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  1. gameaddict4life

    Halloween Tornament Musings, Tricks and Tips

    So I had a really good run on Creature and posted the 3rd highest score in Bronze! Best I've ever done on the table and in a tournament too. I noticed the first place score is in the billions though. The person ahead of me is not ahead by much but that first place score, wow. How do you get into...
  2. gameaddict4life

    50% Off Season 3 ?

    Anybody know when this will happen? I'm guessing once Season 4 is fully released but if it's really soon that would be great. I prefer to buy the season passes at 50% off even more so now that the tables released per season have gone down. I have Season 1 and 2 and now the Addams Family Pro...
  3. gameaddict4life

    Settings help regarding multiball slowdown when using high ball reflection?

    Hey everybody, I haven't posted on the forums in a while but I still play the game every now and again on PS3. I'm thinking of getting into the PC version because Season 3 is out right now and it takes the PS3 a while to get caught up. Anyway, after doing some testing with my PC in regards to...
  4. gameaddict4life

    New to this game and pinball in general! Questions/table recommendations

    Hey everybody! So I just bought the basic game earlier tonight after watching some gameplay videos on youtube of the game. I've played the demo for the first 4 tables my favorites being Arabian Nights and The Theater of Magic. The only pinball game I can remember playing was South Park while on...

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