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  1. F

    Ahhhhh!! Eu dlc delay!

    Guys, not sure what you are talking about: I just bought the DLC, then started PA, it asked me to update to 1.02 and now I can play Table Pack #1! YEAH!!!! \o/
  2. F

    Silverball Studios LAUNCHES Pro Pinball : Revived & Remastered Kickstarter Campaign

    It's not the end of the world, but I also think they would have been better off starting out smaller. A remake of Timeshock! in 1920x1200 would be AWESOME! (as well as finally getting to listen to the music again -- that CD based music hasn't worked for me in ages...). I'm not entirely sure how...
  3. F

    Bug Bug - Ball stuck on ramp (see pic)

    I saw this on PS3 as well, managed to get it off though (not sure whether a nudge or another ball did it though, can't remember).
  4. F

    Ahhhhh!! Eu dlc delay!

    Are we entirely sure that the update is going to be bug free? I mean, they did submit it months ago -- do they have a chance to update their submission along the way? Or will we see a repeat of the DLC #1 US bugs? Can't wait to find out! ^_^
  5. F

    RBION Tactics and Strategies

    FINALLY managed to nail my last wizard goal -- Frog Frenzy. While at it I managed a 428 million score!! Never thought I'd see that, my previous best was 182. Anyway the strategy linked in this thread ( as well as all...
  6. F

    PS Vita - Bug Camera stuck on the "skill shot view" during rescue

    I had this exact same problem just now on my PS3. I did manage to win the battle simply by madly plunging new balls as fast as possible while alternating left + right flipper like mad. Yes, you can rescue the princess without even making any real shots! \o/ In any case, I wonder: I activated...

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