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  1. R

    Request Who wants Bram Stokers Dracula to be this years Halloween table?

    I actually love the movie. Keanu Reeves is the reason it has a negative connotation, and even then, it did well at the box office, critics liked it overall, and it has a decent fanbase. For me, it's the best Dracula movie behind the 1931 Lugosi flick, and if you count Nosferatu. I find it a...
  2. R

    WHO dunnit Screenshots

    Right on! Never played this table before.
  3. R

    RULE THE UNIVERSE 6 Times 1 Game !

    How the hell do you guys get RTU that much? I mean, how does someone get 800 billion points in this game? What cheats are you using?
  4. R


    Alright, wow, then I need to step it up, hahaha.
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    Okay, I think I'm confused about how the high scores and the leader boards work, probably because I didn't research the difference, but I will play a table, and get what I think is a really good score, and enter my initials and it turns out I"m in the top 5 on that table, and it stays there...
  6. R

    Question about DE, SEGA, and Stern machines

    Well, Goldeneye is Sega right? What about that?
  7. R

    Table Pack #24 Speculation

    Hey where is the hint pic?
  8. R

    Table Pack #24 Speculation

    Where do you get the news of the new tables? I mean, why aren't they announcing anything? lol
  9. R

    What Licenses Would You Most Like to See Made into a Pinball Table?

    Okay, for that, I understand. You should give credit to Holmes, which they eventually did, but to say they're hacks, and rip offs, I don't agree. I think they're very talented, I mean, one of the most in rock history, and considering we live in an age where people can't even remember who wrote...
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    What Licenses Would You Most Like to See Made into a Pinball Table?

    Okay, Spirit's Taurus has only one thing in common with Stairway to Heaven, and that's the climbing part, but it trails off into something else, and there are no lyrics...there's nothing really to be made about that one, lol. Some people just want to see what's not there. With Dazed and...
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    What Licenses Would You Most Like to See Made into a Pinball Table?

    The blindness? Seriously dude, there's no blindness. Led Zeppelin, while I understand they borrowed from blues musicians, in fact their song The Crunge sounds remarkably similar to James Brown's Sex Machine, they still were not plagiarizing. They were talented musicians who created 6 near...
  12. R

    What Licenses Would You Most Like to See Made into a Pinball Table?

    Oh great, we got one of the guys who believes that ridiculous rumor. How did LZ rip off anyone? They inspired an entire new genre. They were musical legends. Everyone borrows from one another, it's called inspiration. Can you name any artists LZ ripped off? See, this is what happens: the claim...
  13. R

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    Cool. Has anyone talked about Phantom of the Opera by Data East? It's such a cool looking table!
  14. R

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    So if the licensed pinball machines like Addams Family, Star Wars, etc, are so difficult to obtain, what are the chances of these machines coming? Banzai Run Safe Cracker WhoDunnit Junk Yard High Speed II Medusa Sorcerer Phantom of the Opera Big Bang Bar Corvette Cyclone Diner Earthshaker...
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    What Licenses Would You Most Like to See Made into a Pinball Table?

    Yes! Darkwing Duck and Tale Spin would have been great!
  16. R

    Robin Hood

    BTW, does anyone know the back story of why there was no Ghostbusters machine? I mean it's pretty weird that one wasn't made considering it's popularity. I mean, Ghostbusters, probably along with Harry Potter, is the most popular movie franchise to not have a pinball machine. I thought...
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    Robin Hood

    LOL, who said you had to have that? I don't get it, that's not even the main draw of Robin Hood PoT. I remember it as an action/romance, like Star Wars, like Indiana Jones, like Batman, I mean they all have some sort of love story mixed in with the action. I think having Michael Kamen's music...
  18. R

    The On-Going "What has FarSight said about ___ table?" List Thread

    Oh I'm not speaking to them, I am speaking to the uptight owners of the themes we want to see in our pinball machines. lol. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to get the cooperation of movie studios, and record companies, to access their content, my gripe is it shouldn't be that difficult...
  19. R

    Robin Hood

    Hmm, good points Bowflex. I just think that it's strange, considering the movies that have gotten machines in the early 90s. Demolition Man?? Last Action Hero? Twister? I mean wouldn't that be sick to have a Robin Hood PoT machine, and a Ghostbusters machine? I wonder if there is a way to...

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