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  1. T

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    I tried 5 balls, 3 balls, going for bonus, going for eb, just trying to keep the ball safe. Once I got 850k + eb on ball one and still didn't break 1.3 million. I played a huge amount of games and didn't even break my original HS of 1.24 mill. Genie wins.
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    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    3 Extra Balls complete!! :cool: Barely scored 850k with a 9 ball game. Going to have to switch to 3 ball start for better scoring.
  3. T

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Haha same with Soccer. I had a ball roll off my flipper as I was watching the EPL and missed my eb shot.
  4. T

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Got 2 extra balls and had 2 targets lit for the third. Arrgh so close.
  5. T

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Start of week. HS: 1,241,000 Goals left: 3 mill, 3 extra balls Not optimistic but will try.
  6. T

    iOS - Bug Autoplunger fails during multiball start, leading to operator alert/coil malfunction

    I still get this. Seems to happen if balls drain too fast. This isnt the only table either.
  7. T

    Historic pinball tables you'd like in TPA

    What was the first celebrity or license IP pinball. Like Elton John or Giligan's Island as example tables.
  8. T

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    I like both but would rather have Sea Witch :) I did vote for Paragon because the table to me has lots of things to do even if they aren't all high score orientated. However it will be interesting to see how it plays since the tap pass is such an important way to transfer the ball in this game...
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    Steam sale from the 26th to the 2nd

    Never let facts get in the way of a cleansing rant.
  10. T

    Waste of money

    A houseball is called that because you're spending money to play 3 balls and you launch one and it drains effectively screwing you and the owner ie The House just won by giving you 1/3 less time for your money. The house got a ball and you got two to play. My take on it.
  11. T

    X-Arcade on iMac?

    There are some software tools that may help. Joystick Mapper is in the AppStore for about $5. There might be some free options. One is called Enjoy2 but might be outdated.
  12. T

    Final Frontier multiball bug

    :mad: Haven't played this much because it kicks my ass but I finally got to Final Frontier and got the multiball camera bug. The camera drops down to the plunger and won't change until all the balls are launched which ruined the game. This isn't the only multiball bug still around and it's...
  13. T

    What tables did you play today?

    Tried playing ST:TNG. Drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain. Few moments of play. Drain, drain, drain, drain, drain, drain....
  14. T

    Complete reinstall all high scores and goals lost. How would you react?

    This happened on my iPad during season 2. Learned my lesson and started over logged into farsight because it happened again but I could restore my scores. I lost 2 1,000 hof tables and some goals I probably won't ever get again.
  15. T

    Bug TPA v4.1.1 for iOS

    iOS 8.1 just tried and it crashes on game end.
  16. T

    iOS version 4.1.0 #3 (Phantom Of The Opera) Discussion & Feedback

    I also got the weird first character entering a high score. When I scored 18.8 million it put it in second place behind 12 million.
  17. T

    Best Table of Season 3

    Diner. I've played that table more than any other. I find it just a really good layout to grind.
  18. T

    The Nostalgic TPA Thread

    I had both Wii pinball collections but it wasn't until around CFTBL that found out that there was an iOS version. I'd say they have released everything I hoped for. When TAF comes out, there isn't anything I am looking forward to but I've learned to be surprised how fun a table I've never played...
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    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Polygon has two pinball stories on their main page neither of which are about TAF.
  20. T

    The Pinball Arcade: Starring Arnold Schwartzenegger, Patrick Stewart, Tina Fey...

    I never knew Tina Fey did voice work. I'm going to have to play MM now and see if I can tell it's her.

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