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    Bug Critical Lower Playfield Bug

    I hope they will fix this bug soon!!!!
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    iOS - Bug Lot of lagging problems with Ripley's believe it or not

    I just noticed there are more less lag on iPhone 4 in landscape mode!!! In portrait mode the game becomes very slowly with multiballs
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    Mac - Request Compatibilty and playability MACPRO REV1

    I just inform you that I have tested the PA V1.0 on my Macpro first Rev !!!! No major problem with the NVIDIA GEFORCE 7300 GT !!!!! This video card has 6 years and the pinball plays very well !!! As on my iphone !!!!
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    Mac - Request Compatibilty and playability MACPRO REV1

    I would like but there is no FREE TRIAL VERSION on Mac App store........... If you have a link ...I take.... Cheers
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    Mac - Request Compatibilty and playability MACPRO REV1

    Just one question : will PINBALL ARCADE correctly run on my MACPRO INTEL REV1 with an nvidia gforce 7300 GT???? Thx a lot
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    Much slower play following latest update?

    On all Multiball missions the game really laaaaag ...... All the balls are slowed.....But with one ball the game plays well!!! Did you encounter that???? ON IOS 5.01 IPHONE 4
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    iOS - Bug Frame rate on Ipad2 Ball blur

    Hi Im actually play TPA on iPhone 4 iOS 5.01 JB and I have no problems except some minor bugs! But I tested TPA on an iPad 2 of a friend , and it is unplayable cause we can see well the ball! On all tables , the ball is blurred ! What is this problem? I also tested on iPad 1 and there is no...

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