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  1. W

    different US & European difficulty settings

    Just found the manual for Getaway : High Speed II Page 1-20 has the various difficulty settings that can be set by the operator. What is the logic in having US/Canada/France slightly easier than German/European? Also...
  2. W

    Steam ID thread (FX3)

    There is a thread for TPA steam ID's but wasn't one for Pinball FX3. I've not played much of TPA but have been playing lots of FX3 so think a new thread is beneficial rather than cluttering up the other one (here). Try and do it same way as the other thread, copy the current list of Steam...
  3. W

    Mega scoring balls

    Been playing Adventure Land today, and got a great single ball challenge score of 165M, so tried a normal 3 ball game straight after and got an even higher score with my first ball, collected 2 extra balls then had my 2 extra balls drain almost immediately, and after the other 2 only ended up at...
  4. W

    Zen WMS table timescale

    TPA had 61 tables when it lost the license. As well as the 4 in beta, Zen expect to get the next group of 4 released later this year. How long do you think it will take them to get to c.61 WMS tables (not necessarily the same ones as in TPA).

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