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  1. G

    Dr. Who: Master Of Time Is Now Available!

    Table seems very plain (empty) could have used something in the middle like a spinning wheel. I also think $9.99 is a bit high. I have all tables but this will have to go to $4.99 for me to bite
  2. G

    12 Days 2016

    The 12 days are supposed to be for the pinball arcade not stern pinball and acooda pinball. Wow so far we got some balls we can buy. And today if you buy a $5000 + machine from Acooda by march 31st you get a discount on the tables you bought already. Friday I guess we will get the honor of...
  3. G

    Playing on IPad MINI (1st gen 16GB) since release, graphics better on newest IPAD?!??

    I just bought an iPad Air 2 32 gig for $269 at Best Buy on Black Friday to replace my iPad mini 2. I love the Air 2 it's fast nice screen and it will last a few years. Remember your first gen iPad mini doesn't have Retina display so the Air 2 will be a nice upgrade. Also them Air 2 speakers are...
  4. G

    Can't stop playing centigrade 37 and jacks open

    I love old pinball with chimes. These games are so simple but so much fun to play. And it's so nice to get a double table for the price of one the newer tables with dmd and rails etc. I have all the TPA tables but play the old tables more than these new ones. I am 64 yrs old so I guess that has...
  5. G

    Gorgar has very small score box on iPad Air 2

    Please fix!
  6. G

    First Impressions

    Em's aren't buggy like the newer tables
  7. G

    Table pack 56

    U should be happy
  8. G

    Table Pack #56 Speculation

    All I have to say! It's about time love EM's
  9. G

    First Impressions

    They finally fixed the iPhone table icon list to three across but now my iPad icon list looks like ****. The game itself is all messed up. Tables used to be made better before farsight spread the self to thin to make more profit. It's really ashame
  10. G

    Some EMs to drool over!

    I'll take em's over all these fancy ramps and toys! Not to mention they don't need expensive licenses and I think they are much easier to make on tpa. I think they could pop two of these out in the time it takes to make the newer ones. Please take my money!
  11. G

    Not impressed with dr.Who

    I can't understand why I can hear and understand speech on ask and zen but on tpa it's garbled and sounds like it's coming through a gramophone! Sound sucks even on my iPad Pro with four speakers.
  12. G

    Bone busters next table hint

    Now they don't have to speculate anymore
  13. G

    Not impressed with dr.Who

    Yea try playing on iPhone the launch button is the size of a dime
  14. G

    Not impressed with dr.Who

    That's exactly what I ment when posting this
  15. G

    Bone busters next table hint

    Love me some bone busters
  16. G

    Still two columns of table icons iPhone

    Are you kidding!!! How long does it take to make two columns into three. I want my old GUI back
  17. G

    Bug Already finding issues

    I can't believe the launch button is the size of a dime on my iPhone And can't believe they didn't fix the two columns of game icons on iPhone

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