I would LOVE to own this, but it is too pricey for my wallet atm. Looks really nice!
Side note, anyone else predict a new Star Wars pin when the alleged Episode VII-IX comes?
I would gladly lose the local high scores for fixes to the tables. This is a no-brainer in my opinion. Dowloading "the whole game again" is something I bet everyone except a few will gladly do to thave the FIXES to the tables.
Jeeez, fix it allready!
I try to start modes and multiball as much as I can. Also a big fan of ramps and bumpers hehe, there is something satisfying when the bumpers go crazy and flings the ball all over the place :D
Hehe, I am curious aswell. Almost feel like removing the glass to find out, but that would be boring :)
Starting a mode for the first time feels like such an achievement, I was jumping up and down the first time I started the Casino Run :D
Sorry, I am unsure if you can find my name just by searching it in Steam. That is why I posted with URL (and did not see that list)
Edit: tried to search myself and could find my name (had troubles with this Before even though I removed alot of restrictions)
We tested the beta on my friends MacPro (running win7 bootcamp), it has a HD4000 gpu (i7 processor) and it worked without Post Processing enabled.
Also tested on my secondary computer with a i5-750 (2,6ghz quad core) and a Geforce G210 (25 dollar card) and it could not handle Post Processing.
It is all in the ballspin tbh. Playing on my Jack*Bot I see behaviour that I at first found weird (TPA damaged perhaps?) and later you realize what is going on with the ball, depending on how it hits drop targets, flippers, slingshots and so on. It would add a great deal of difficulty for...
Well that was not what I was expecting. Will bide my time until release though (not buying a PS4 exclusively for TPA) and I will probably be sticking to the PC version preliminary.
I am worried that the release quality will be quite low and that nothing will be fixed after it is released.
OS Version: Windows 8
Graphics Card: AMD HD6570 1GB
Ram: 8 GB
Version #: 0.012
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080
Frequency of Occurrence: It is hard to recreate since both balls need to be going into the lock Close to each other, but I have managed it twice.
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