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  1. warh0g

    Master List of Issues -- Williams Pinball

    Ah sorry, I thought I looked through the list properly before posting :)
  2. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 7 guesses

    I haven't seen a thread for Volume 7 guesses yet? I am keeping my fingers crossed for Jack*Bot at least! I would love to see the whole trilogy of those games, even in one pack. But that would be a bit to similar perhaps :P
  3. warh0g

    Master List of Issues -- Williams Pinball

    Black Rose: Sound effects from Williams Pinball: Visual Extras is being played even when the mode is turned off. This has been an issue since release on PC. You can hear sword swooshes, compass lid opening and closing, and exclamations when she is falling when losing ball and so on. This is very...
  4. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses

    Finally a date, only 18 days to go! :) Which table will you try first? I am probably starting with Funhouse, can't wait for Rudy to insult me! :P
  5. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses

    Ah, the old announcement of an announcement!
  6. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses

    When is it coming out? I need some new tables stat! :D
  7. warh0g

    Williams Volume 4 *OFFICIAL* Game play thread

    Copy paste from the guessing thread :P These flipper physics are just so good! Can't wait for this to be added to the old packs, oh lawd! it is so much more "alive" now than before :D
  8. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 4 guesses

    These flipper physics are just so good! Can't wait for this to be added to the old packs, oh lawd!
  9. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 4 guesses

    It is 'the' stream mentioned in the Zen Facebook video, which is what was asked for above in the thread ;)
  10. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 4 guesses

    Here is the full stream :) Edit for clarity, this is the recording of the table pack 4 stream on Deadflips twitch channel.
  11. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 4 guesses

    You have probably seen it, but they posted a demonstration video of new flipper physics on Facebook:
  12. warh0g

    Zen & Stern collaboration teaser?

    For all the discussion about Zen spreading thin, for the sake of argument we can just assume that they know what they are doing? I mean, they have been in business for 16 years now (if Wikipedia is correct). Hopefully this means that they have some business savvy people over there, since I...
  13. warh0g

    Jersey Jack Willy Wonka

  14. warh0g

    Steam ID thread (FX3)

    Jok.Tuskak - Xanija - shutyertrap - EldarOfSuburbia / marrax - Pinballwiz45b -...
  15. warh0g

    Zen & Stern collaboration teaser?

    Oh la la. The future is looking promising.
  16. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 4 guesses

    I for one can't wait to see what the future table releases will be! Now, back to trying to climb the high score ladder! :D
  17. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 4 guesses

    Circus Voltaire JackBot Red N Ted's Roadshow I mean, if one can dream :D
  18. warh0g

    Williams Volume 3 *OFFICIAL* Game play thread

    I really did not enjoy Champions Pub in TPA, but here in Zen it is the table I have played most from pack 3 :) They all look great, sound great and the mechanical noises alone make it so much better. I am pumped and eagerly awaiting Table pack 4! :D Zen is doing a brilliant job!
  19. warh0g

    Williams' Collection Volume 3 guesses

    My Steam wallet is loaded and ready to purchase Table Pack 3 asap! :D

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