Spinning "The Price Is Right" wheel is easy and focused. Navigating "Hollywood Squares" is easy too, but it's spread out and illegible. There's no point-of-focus in the new UI, so you have to look all over the place. We've got scrolling; we'll get squinting. (And they'll probably need a...
If it needs so many screens, that's hardly an argument that it was properly designed. On the contrary, it's poor design. We're going to end up playing the UI instead of pinball.
As for "features"... well, the new UI certainly highlights a lot of peripheral ones (random table, high scores...
Well, why not? They've been selling a WIP product all this time...
This UI mock-up looks very Zen, to me. FS should try something original. It's not so hard to use a different (cleaner, functional, attractive) design---such as a list, or the actual table logos. The knee-jerk reliance on...
As the dumbest person here :), I have to disagree.
Hardware is "current gen" if the MFs (manufacturers, naughty reader) are still selling & supporting it. To mistake "current" for "newest" is very good for the MFs but not very good for the poor CSs (consumers).
"Next gen" is best left for...
This is my 2nd post in the forums (the 1st was a bug notice---hah!)
Not sure if this thread holds any interest these days, but FWIW...
I grew up playing videogames (Atari, C64 at a friend's, arcades, NES) and the other arcade stuff was a natural side dish. I'm not a huge gamer nowadays (or an...
All week, I've seen the same bug in the PS Vita version: no sound, no animation for the left flipper. (No animation for right flipper either, but it plays the sound effect.)
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