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  1. T

    STEAM ID Thread

    Thank you Xanija! I hope this thread will stay alive this time!
  2. T

    STEAM ID Thread

    Hi there. Im looking for a thread which inventory some TPA players on steam, but I don't find it. So I start this one. ;) Im not a Great player but I'll like to compare my score to others fans. If some of you are interest you can add your steam ID here. This is mine : Jok.Tuskak Have a nice...
  3. T

    GAME CENTER (Centre) IDs

    Hi everybody. Im Joka Tuskak on GC. You can add me. See you soon on TPA folks!!
  4. T

    TZ is up.. (1.2.1 Feedback and Discussion)

    That does not work for me. No free TZ. Same email adresses on Kickstarter and PA account but the game still ask me for buying TZ table. Log in and log out don't change anything. Disappointed... Even if i still love the game. I Hope the futur update will correct this Bug, but im affraid That not...

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