Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot (2012)

Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot is a digital pinball game by Color Monkey.

Shoot the ramps and hit everything that blinks, especially blinking arrows. Combos are the best and so are jackpots. And don’t forget to increase your bonus ‘cause that will certainly give you a lot more points in the end.

Your main goal is to defeat the evil Rob-O-Bot and you do that by completing all the missions. There are five of them and you start them all by entering the Mission Control. If you are not in a mission, the Mission Control is always open. Hit it, and follow the instructions.

Good luck!

General Tips and Pointers

  • Use one flipper at the time
  • After you've flipped, drop the flipper back down immediately
  • In general, don't flip any more than you need to
  • Push the device upwards to tilt
  • Watch and listen to the game while you play to learn the rules

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