The Pinball Arcade is a pinball video game developed by FarSight in 2012. The game originally featured various tables from Bally, Stern, Williams and Gottlieb, as DLC.
The game was available on various platforms including Android, iOS, macOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Kindle Fire, Ouya, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U and Nintendo Switch.
In 2018, the license to create tables for Bally and Williams games was lost.
The game was available on various platforms including Android, iOS, macOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Kindle Fire, Ouya, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U and Nintendo Switch.
In 2018, the license to create tables for Bally and Williams games was lost.
- Official Website