
  1. Sean DonCarlos

    The (New and Improved) Rules of Sin

    So apparently, Sin has been pitched to FarSight management thanks to Jeff and shutyertrap. For the record, I was completely unaware that they were going to do that, nor did I ask them to. (Although I have hinted in the chat room that it would be cool to see Sin in TPA, it was more of a "wishful...
  2. Sean DonCarlos

    For Those About to Rock: AC/DC Premium/LE v1.65 Ruleset

    Hinweis für den deutschsprachigen Mitgliedern: Ein Mitglied dieses Forums hat die AC/DC-Regeln ins Deutsche übersetzt. Um zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier. LATEST UPDATE - 08/21/2013 Added a link to a German translation of this rulesheet, provided by "master of chaos", a member here. Thanks...
  3. Sean DonCarlos

    [OLD] AC/DC LE Ruleset Explanation and Basic Strategies

    EDIT 06/18/2013: There is an updated and far more accurate ruleset available here. Several forum members have indicated at various points that they find AC/DC confusing because they do not know its ruleset. Since there are not really any rulesets available online, the game does not always do a...
  4. Sean DonCarlos

    The Rules of Sin, Part V

    EDIT 11/07/2013: Updated rules can be found here. GENERAL CHANGES Sins no longer have individual timers. Instead, when a timed sin is started on top of currently running timed sin(s), half the new sin's time (but at least 20 seconds) is added to the current timer value and the new timer value...
  5. Sean DonCarlos

    The Rules of Sin, Part IV

    If you came here straight from the forum, use this link to get to Part I. SIN RULESET VERSION 0.1 (CONTINUED) SHADOW SALVATION (FINAL WIZARD MODE) Shadow Salvation is only awarded when a Ninth Circle player successfully freezes Hell over. It is Sin’s final wizard mode, consisting of a 7-ball...
  6. Sean DonCarlos

    The Rules of Sin, Part III

    SIN RULESET VERSION 0.1 (CONTINUED) SIN MODE DESCRIPTIONS (CONTINUED) Wrath The Wrath sin is a 2-ball multiball that involves hitting a certain number of switches in a frenzy, which then lights the Sin Bin for a Wrath Jackpot. This process then repeats with increased numbers of switch hits and...
  7. Sean DonCarlos

    The Rules of Sin, Part II

    SIN RULESET VERSION 0.1 (CONTINUED) SIN MODE DESCRIPTIONS There are seven sins, each with four levels of difficulty. Each level of difficulty must be completed successfully before the next higher difficulty can be attempted. Greed The Greed sin involves hitting the Greed standup targets a...
  8. Sean DonCarlos

    The Rules of Sin, Part I

    So what I was not considering when I said I'd post Sin's ruleset here is that the ruleset is nearly 35,000 characters long, and that blog posts are limited to 10,000 characters. So far as I know attachments aren't allowed or even possible either - at least, I can't find the button that attaches...

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