who dunnit

  1. canuck

    Bug ipad, initial buttons do not disapear after entering high score

    After getting a high score, once entering initials and pressing done, the text box stays on screen. The only way to get rid of it is resetting the program. Bug happens every other time.
  2. weirdproq

    Midnight Madness!

    I can confirm that midnight madness works on both Android and PC at midnight. "I saw it coming a mile away." :D
  3. T

    Adding a ticket dispenser to Williams WPC series of tables

    Has anyone ever successfully added a ticket dispenser to a Williams WPC pinball table? I have a WHO Dunnit that I'd like to attract some of my younger players to (youth these days... always wanting a physical reward). I have what I think is the correct ticket PCB and a ticket dispenser, but no...

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