1.15 Beta

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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012

Sorry for the delay guys, I have been swamped. This is going to be a quick beta this time around so I will only have time to fix the critical bugs (most things were caught with ios). Hopefully mid next week after I work on some tournament stuff I will be able to get to some of the issues you found and finally putting in those bloody features. I will also be pushing a new build next week with some tournament changes. Enjoy.

-fixed entitlement bug with tournament.
-fix not saving issue when leaving options screen.
-fixed a tournament display bug in the leaderboard code.
-fix android back button before table loads issue that was causing the wrong logo to be displayed and scores to be posted.
-fixed tournament exploit.
-fixed connection issue with password protected networks.
-two new tables added with two pro modes each this round (prices remain the same however).
-Videos option on the main menu. Users can now purchase the ability to stream The History of Pinball to their device using two modes mp4 mode for 3.0+ and 3gp mode for anything lower than the 3.0 Android os.
-The transition from completing standard to unlocking wizard goals would sometimes fail.
-The transition from completing wizard goals to unlocking additional options would sometimes fail.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
Does this beta fix the leaderboard exploit for standard games or just tournament games?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
should fix both. The tournament one was the worst. The standard one should be fixed as well with that whole back button thing. That one was sneaky to find.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
No plastics on whirlwind :confused:

Horrible crashing noise when the discs are spinning too.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Awesome thanks for the beta. First off though looks like there is table art missing. All the slingshots have no covers



Are the spinning discs on WW supposed to hold the ball in one spot, especially against the right hand side. It's been a very long time since I have played this IRl and I don't remember this happening.

In The Champion Pub the ball will launch when you press the L Flipper 2-4 times. i use view 1 and if pressed in the area of the start button it will happen more often than not.

Will there be a mid month beta run to test or introduce the same nudge option scheme that iOS has?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Slow balls seem to get a little hung up at the bottom of the right spinner.
Also no plastics for me too

Man that right ramp is hard not to hit on WW. Not sure how the real table is...been a while. But it feels overdone.


The "Streaming" video is downloaded in entirety; at least for the trailer. It is a 14.8 MB mp4 file

Not sure what to say about this ...


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Are the spinning discs on WW supposed to hold the ball in one spot, especially against the right hand side. It's been a very long time since I have played this IRl and I don't remember this

Yea it does seem to really like stopping dead in that one spot.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
The menus where there is a circular light on the left with text on the right is buggy. Something about the click and moveoff detection is buggy.

Example, launch app. Click Options. Long click on any option. Remove finger from screen. You're still at this menu, the app didn't go into the option you chose. Worse yet, that option is highlighted for whatever reason.

I see this in beta15, and also in 1.14.1. Dunno about further back.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Are the spinning discs on WW supposed to hold the ball in one spot, especially against the right hand side. It's been a very long time since I have played this IRl and I don't remember this happening.

No, that should not happen on WW. I played three RT games last night and it never did that. I also never remember that happening when I played a lot of WW in the 1990's.


No, that should not happen on WW. I played three RT games last night and it never did that. I also never remember that happening when I played a lot of WW in the 1990's.

Yeah I was finding it very odd that when the ball would get dropped out of the habitrail onto the disc it would just sit there, and sit there, and sit there until the disc stops or you nudge hard enough to get a warning. Admittedly it doesn't happen 100% of the time, but often enough that it influences the way I would play, so much so that I have to stop and actually think "Do I really want to make that shot?"

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
We are looking into the plastics issue, a bug fix yesterday seemed to have made them disappear. The video is cached yes.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I am having an issue on my Nook. When I go to select WhirlWind I just get "The Storm is Coming" and then it crashes before I get the chance to play the table.
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