1.15 Beta

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New member
Sep 13, 2012
I tried Circus Voltaire too and had the same stuttering problems, looks like a problem with the build.

Edit: bizarrely the problem only starts after the high score screen, since I didn't save my data before rooting I managed to get a high score on CV pretty easily and it didn't glitch until after I entered the high score.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I got stuttering at the end of PB and Taxi as well as WW and Champ Pub. Yesterday I thought it was just my Wi-Fi being dodgy, but it seems to be an issue in this build.

I can confirm that as well, the stuttering also prevents me from pressing continue till the stuttering stops.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
The rom emulation is fine, it's winding the emulation down that seems to be causing the panic attacks on android.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Stuttering on end of games on the new tables with me too, I'll try out the other tables to see if it's only them.

and I'm playing on a rooted Nexus 7
Stuttering has always existed, at least on my device. There was always a brief pause / load time between the end of the match animation and the end of game screen (sometimes locking up entirely). They changed this so it occurs before / during the match animation, so the animation can be skipped by immediately restarting. The stuttering is likely the result of the game not pausing during this load time.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
How do you screw up ROM EMULATION. What is going on here?
If you're old enough to remember MAME, they would often add games, but due to the emulation not fully implemented, there would screwed up or missing sound samples, lockups and crashes, wrong colors, missing graphics and layers, and other graphical oddities and irregularities, among other imperfections. These would gradually be fixed as emulation improved. So, just because something is emulated, doesn't mean it is done so perfectly.


This stuttering seems to be an issue of TPA connecting to the servers to do the handshake for leaderboards and calculate HOF points etc. The leaderboard glitch of posting scores to the wrong table has been fixed, allegedly, so maybe there is some encryption happening and slowing things down. In previous versions the connection to the leaderboards at the end of the game, if your connection was dodgy or had disconnected mid game, could cause a stuttter as the app would over tax the process to connect to the leaderboard.

When I played in airplane mode/Wi-Fi disabled there was no stutter at all. The match and high score sequence was buttery. This indicates that the handshake protocol process at the end of the game to connect to the leader board is the problem here.


That was part of the original rom. You could turn the ad off in the operator menu.

I do have an official WW shirt, though.

Zounds, you are living history!! j/k. Super cool that you still have the shirt.

Speaking of operators menus ... 2 pro mode tables in one pack!! Will this be the trend for season 2 or is this some special treat for pass holders?


New member
Sep 22, 2012
glad other are having the stutter issues...... I presumed it was because I was connecting via mobile phone hotspot. Stuttering lasts about 7 seconds and is really annoying - key press input is not registered until stuttering stops. As above this appears to be due to comms.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
ok phew, been trying my best to knock out the worst ones, stay tuned for an update

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
we try to tie in the releases with all...now I am in charge of simultaneously releasing amazon android and ouya. We are waiting on ios approval, but Amazon is the only one that just releases on the date you set when you submit, i have no control or button to push with that one unfortunately.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Ryan - please tell me you have an advert for the kickstarter in the latest release? PR 101.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
fingers crossed.............. personally it should have been a nice poster with a click through straight to the KS page.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
looks like ios is going to be released. I just submitted, not need for a new beta since I was told to release. Here are the fixes:

-Whirlwind spinnner issues with collision.
-Whirlwind sound vo issues.
-WW missing plastics.
-some WW elastic values were adjusted.
-end of game stutter addressed.
-plunger button activating flipper fixed on CP and harley, monsterbash, afm, & MM.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
looks like ios is going to be released. I just submitted, not need for a new beta since I was told to release. Here are the fixes:

-Whirlwind spinnner issues with collision.
-Whirlwind sound vo issues.
-WW missing plastics.
-some WW elastic values were adjusted.
-end of game stutter addressed.
-plunger button activating flipper fixed on CP and harley, monsterbash, afm, & MM.

Nice! Can't wait to see how The Pinball Arcade plays on the Galaxy S4 next week!
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