1 Ball Challenge


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Ok, so I started up TOTAN to play the first ball for this challenge. I hit the ball up the table a few times and as it was coming down the inlane and towards the flipper, I pressed the flipper but it didn't flip, and the ball glitched and went right over it and into the drain. So really it was not my fault at all. It was my old ipod touch's fault. I ended up with around 250,000. Has this happened to anyone else?

So I quit the game, started a new one, and what do you know, I ended up with 19,688,290 on my first "real" ball.

Pretty frustrating. lol

Conragts to RyThom for a great score, he deserves it.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Glad to hear you are enjoying it, although my scores are a bit sad I'm really liking it too. The thanks for the thread needs to go to Crush3d turtle though :)
Thanks Crush3d

Hopefully next weeks table treats us a bit better Frank. :)

Please pardon the my confusion for not giving you the credit you deserve Crush3d; since I'm 54, I call an "old fart " moment for not realizing, you, Crush3d was the one who created this wonderful interactive thread. It helps promote healthy interaction within the "Pinball Arcade Fans Forum".

grasshopper, no matter how well we do in next week's challenge; at least we will help promote healthy interaction within the Pinball Arcade Fans Forum.


New member
Jan 2, 2013
Nice Score RyThom, and welcome to the forum.

Finally someone close enough to almost literally shake hands with.
Salutations from across the river.

Thank you for the warm welcome, guys! I love this game and website!!

I haven't played TOTAN in what seems like months and just lucked out. That tends to happen: I set my best high score on MM on Pinball Hall of Fame one early, groggy morning after not picking the game up for a couple of weeks - like riding a bike. But, for the record, the other two balls of the TOTAN game were just pathetic - my total score didn't crack 20M :p


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Can't remember, but I know it was like 1.1M. And then of course, I play another game and get 47M. Oy.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
I know it isn't official but my game after I got a 31 million first ball. Why can't I do that when it counts!

Sometimes I can dominate MM, most of the time I end up with a first ball of 2-4M, then hit a great second ball. For the one ball chanllenge though it is easy, go for Multiballs and castles IMO.

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