2.03.10 Bugs


Jul 3, 2015
Tournament screen claims user isn't connected to a network

Redundant Arcade and picture of pinball machine, in the top left corner, buttons that do the exact same thing.

The mid-screen start button doesn't always click through. You can see it doing the animated action as if it were touched, but sometimes it takes 2-3 touches to register as a "press" to actually get off this, yet again, redundant screen that adds touches/clicks to get to the actual start screen, where you get to press more "buttons" before the game will actually start.

The big, never ending scroll list, still doesn't remember your position after exiting a table. Thus creating the never ending scroll portion of this new UI that will, what .. Oh yeah ..., Reduce the amount of time people will have to scroll on their devices compared to the old one? Right?!?!

The Game Start Screen UI overlay is STILL shifted Down so that the HUD is partially obscured and the ever pointless on-screen ball skin selector has the choices obscured as well. This started to happen around table pack 2. It was reported, but as usual nothing was done once it was broken, how FS broke their own "new" UI overlay is a question for the ages. It is definitely worse in Portrait than in Landscape.

The Table Manager doesn't detect new versions of tables to be downloaded. This is a regression bug that has snuck back in. Between the last version REZ file ****ups, and now this ver forcing new REZs every table that opens, this app will eat ~2 GB of Data each release.

Again, no changleog. How hard is it to update the info on Google Play to properly reflect the changes in the app release, this one did no have EBD released in it. These releases to turn tournaments on/off seem to be redundant as well, these switch changes should be something that can be done server side. Especially seeing as the Tournament UI gets broke everytime FS tries to simply turn it on or off in the UI.
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Jul 3, 2015
I have my Shield Tablet hooked up to the TV in console mode to play another game, and I thought I would play some TPA as a break ...

I discovered that this build of TPA has even less controller support in it than previous versions.

In previous versions you could at least control the actual pinball game with a controller. In this version there is no control of the flippers with either of the shoulder buttons. Yet the analogue plunge and nudge works. As do the face buttons to get into the options menu etc.

Yet again, things are broke that worked before, and this made it to a retail release.

Then there are the numerous problems while navigating the UI with the touchpad. Scrolling is next to impossible, selecting things highlights them and they stay lit, but no changes to the UX actually take place etc.

How TPA has such a continual track record of inconsistent performance/behaviour release to release is just baffling.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I have my Shield Tablet hooked up to the TV in console mode to play another game, and I thought I would play some TPA as a break ...

I discovered that this build of TPA has even less controller support in it than previous versions.

In previous versions you could at least control the actual pinball game with a controller. In this version there is no control of the flippers with either of the shoulder buttons. Yet the analogue plunge and nudge works. As do the face buttons to get into the options menu etc.

Yet again, things are broke that worked before, and this made it to a retail release.

Then there are the numerous problems while navigating the UI with the touchpad. Scrolling is next to impossible, selecting things highlights them and they stay lit, but no changes to the UX actually take place etc.

How TPA has such a continual track record of inconsistent performance/behaviour release to release is just baffling.

I've got a shield tablet and I wasn't experiencing any of the issues you reported with this build.

The next release (Dr Who) will make this post redundant. Navigation on all screens.

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