2 Monitor Backglass and Camera MediaPack

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Here is link to my current Camera files optimized for using dual Monitor setups and The latest Backglass Media Pack.
All the Backglass files are optimized for a game configuration of 1620x3300 Backbuffer (1.5 x the default mod value of 1080x2200) with 293 pixel vertical stretched screen.
Camera files


2 Monitor Media Pack 1600x1200 with grill

edit: heres new pack without transparencies for use with the Floating DMD mod version


2 Monitor Media Pack 1280x1024 with grill


with transparencies for old version of the mod
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New member
Apr 8, 2014
Hey Robert ... I'm running your backglass media pack for 1280x1040 with grill and floating DMD, but my own table cam views screw up the DMD once table is loaded ... I can't seem to position my table to where the DMD is correct on the 2nd monitor. I'm running my table monitor res at 1080x1920 and 1080x2200 in TPA.

Can you please post a link to your own table camera pack (cameras for all tables) that you would use with the 1280x1024 backglass?


I figured it out ... have to recreate my views again. This is AWESOME though!
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New member
Oct 31, 2015
Any chance I can re-iterate this request?

Hey Robert ... I'm running your backglass media pack for 1280x1040 with grill and floating DMD, but my own table cam views screw up the DMD once table is loaded ... I can't seem to position my table to where the DMD is correct on the 2nd monitor. I'm running my table monitor res at 1080x1920 and 1080x2200 in TPA.

Can you please post a link to your own table camera pack (cameras for all tables) that you would use with the 1280x1024 backglass?


I figured it out ... have to recreate my views again. This is AWESOME though!

I am sorry if I am breaking any etiquette with regards to a "newbie" request but is there any chance you are able to provide the camera pack for 2 screen setups where the table is on the 1080x1920 screen and the back-glass on 1280*1024? I am struggling to get the camera settings correct and as I am VERY new to this, I am not quite sure where my expectation should be as to the best achievable result. AS I say, I don't want to upset anyone here with my first question so please feel free to point me at another thread if this has already been answered (but I can't find it if it has). Really appreciate any help/support you can offer. I have set myself a very aggressive "challenge" to build 3 mini-pin cabs as Christmas gifts and didn't think for one minute I would be able to use Pinball arcade and/or PinballFX (felt sure I was going to spend many painful hours with Future/Virtual Pinball and pinMAME) but it looks like your fantastic app is going to at least make PA a reality. Truly excellent work and I will certainly be making a donation (even if you are unable to provide your camera pack or help me get it set up correctly).


New member
Oct 31, 2015
It should be OK with these cam files : https://mega.nz/#!JlcQEJAJ!-l4hldpQx2mZ0MtHZXJxfGpizJw1s74ImNfc4sLuj1I

Feel free to post pictures of your cab builds ;)

Many thanks for the response. I have already downloaded that Camera pack from another topic/link on the forum here. It is not looking right for me at all so I guess I have made some other mistake with the config somewhere? I have set my backbuffer to the values suggested (1620x3300 Backbuffer (1.5 x the default mod value of 1080x2200)), the game is set to use "windowed" and the second monitor (table) is set to portrait orientation in Windows. Would it help if I posted some screenshots of what I see with the camera files in your pack? My assumption is that I will see the table in the best scaled position (i.e. that you can see the entire play area from a nice top-down view) and that the backglass will contain the overlaid DMD positioned appropriately in the the backglass image.

I will certainly post pictures of my builds once they are done but I am NO carpenter. I am also trying to do this with kit I have laying around and have just about cobbled together everything I would buy anyway (monitors, all the PC components etc.) but I only have 1 I-Pac so I am considering using disassembled USB connected XB360 controllers for the buttons etc. I am sure that a search here or over at BYOAC will give me an idea of how successful (or not!) that approach might be.

Thanks again for being so kind and considerate of my newbishness :)


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Follow these steps:

- Your playfield (table monitor) must be set as your primary monitor.
- Set backglass to second monitor.
- Playfield monitor must be set to portrait orientation.
- Try with a backbuffer set to 1080x2200.
- Start the game in windowed mode, load a table and see if it's displayed correctly.


New member
May 10, 2016
Hey Noex thank you for the work you have put into this. this is my first post, and i have figured most of the camera mod out. i will say i wasn't aware what camera files actually did, but i did figure it out. but i am having one problem, i cant figure out. i used the camera files that you provided from above. and well im testing on totan. no point of spending a lot of cash on tpa unless i can get cab mood working correctly. well ok here is my problem. so i load the table into top down view file the floating dmd starts on my second screen like it should. but the the scoring dmd only shows part of the dmd in the floating box. and i cant move the dmd to the center of the floating dmd. if that makes since.

edit: i was able to resize the dmd buy putting it on the play field and stretching it. it stretched it but. the dmd remained half cut off. i try to adjust the camera but it would't adjust the dmd into the box. so i only have half a dmd in the floating box.
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New member
May 7, 2016
HI i need some help please im new but i love pinball games i buy a cabinet pinball and i buy pinball arcade season 1 and i like to put that work with pinballx any one can help me please, thks a lot


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May 10, 2016


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Jul 24, 2013
[MENTION=4788]Robert Misner[/MENTION]

Any chance of updating the "2 Monitor Media Pack 1280x1024 with grill" up to the latest "Eight ball Deluxe" table.For Backglasses and camera files?.

I dont have the talent.I can paypal you beer money.Not looking for a hand-out.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Sorry I got pretty busy this year with new house and I pretty much just play VR pinball now, I don't have a dual monitor setup anymore due to moving everything to VR Roomscale setup.


New member
Aug 30, 2015
[MENTION=3219]Pinzzz[/MENTION] , I have remade most of the back-glasses and added new ones as new tables have been released. I have yet to create a camera file for Eight Ball Deluxe, but have all the previous ones. I'd like to share them, but I'm not really sure how or where to do this. DropBox?


New member
Apr 8, 2014
[MENTION=3219]Pinzzz[/MENTION] , I have remade most of the back-glasses and added new ones as new tables have been released. I have yet to create a camera file for Eight Ball Deluxe, but have all the previous ones. I'd like to share them, but I'm not really sure how or where to do this. DropBox?

Yes Dropbox will work ... that's what I have used to share files


New member
Aug 30, 2015
Try this link, to my DropBox collection of TPA backglasses....

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