3,000,000 Wizard Goal Too Challenging?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Thanks, Tann. I finally just got it. I think I got really lucky with the machine awarding me multiple extra balls a few times, but I think leaving the scoring display off really helped. And the recent title update with the ability to turn the 2 stage flippers off helped a lot as well.

Yep, the table feels so much better now, with the dual-stage flipper turned off. Still a f*-word table, but better.:p

I seen only 32 people out of 12,000+ (I stopped scrolling afterwards) have got over 3mill. I doubt anyone at FS has achieved this on a PS3.

Secret tips for this wizard goal:


EDIT: looking at the score over 3 million, I see this one: ****Iggy___003 **** 2,999,400****

o_O I can't imagine the guy reaction at the end of his game... Six hundred points. One target. ONE target. o_O
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I haven't even hit 1.5 mil yet. I've pretty much given up on this goal. I enjoy the table and have made peace with not getting this goal. I refuse to let it ruin my fun. :mad:


New member
May 15, 2013
Troc, or whomever completed this goal and wants to answer this question: I recently went back to trying to achieve this goal. I found that shooting the lit extra balls on the right side is too risky, so I started to ignore them and only go for the rollover extra ball. Is this the method that you used? I find that since I started doing this, I am scoring consistently between 1.5 million and 2 million, but still haven't been able to track my 2.5 million high score. Also, did anyone play with the scoring display turned off? Any other useful tips? I am really getting sick of this table, but it is the only wizard goal I am missing and my ocd isn't letting me give up.

Sorry for the late reply. but grats, u did it :Dtoo !
Btw i used a little different approach : camera 2 n locked, display Always visble, n shotting every extraball that' s lit. if u target the eb n special area aim lower in the sense that if u miss them is better to hit a lower poit instead of an higher one n be prepare to instantly use nugde to prevent so bad ball direction return. to be honest i thing i got almost every eb from the right area ( n it s easier to lit them too ).
ps Always 3 balls play


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Thanks. I can vouch for 3 balls play mode too. I went to 5 ball play at one point, had a pretty decent first ball, looked at my score and I couldn't believe how low it was compared to if I had a decent ball on 3 balls play.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm officially hanging up my flippers on this table... I can't get more than 1 million and this table is not fun enough to bother with. Oh well, I tried.

So what percentage of people were able to get the wizard trophy for this table? 2%?
Farsight was high when they made this wizard goal IMO.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I'm no longer allowing myself extra balls in TPA. ... I think I'll go to 5 ball Genie now. : P And I'm basically putting any thought of getting to 3 mill out of my head, which is really kind of a relief.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
I'm no longer allowing myself extra balls in TPA. ... I think I'll go to 5 ball Genie now. : P And I'm basically putting any thought of getting to 3 mill out of my head, which is really kind of a relief.

I still think 5 balls is the way to go anyways if you can control well. i just couldn't get a groove going with 3 when I was trying to get this. With 5 I was able to do so


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Do you think it was a mistake when Farsight choose 3,000,000 points for a wizard goal, and if so, will they fix it on the pS4 version?

I'd personally go with 1million.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
I think somewhere just over 2M would have been a better choice, but while it took awhile for the few of us that first got the goal to get it, it seems more and more are hitting the 3M mark.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
- Rollover, bumper, multiplier target.

What do you mean by this?

I really want to complete this goal, since it is the last one, but I am really struggling to get over 1M. I know at least two have completed this goal on iOS but I wonder how many out of those 32 played it on iOS.

For many other tables you can find the different "outs" of a game, i.e. the movement patterns that will cause a drain. On this I can find only one:

...launching the ball in the first place :)

This is going to be a real PAIN!


New member
May 27, 2012
I remember getting pretty good at avoiding drains through nudging and picking my shots. Do whatever is necessary to avoid that left inlane/outlane post. When it does go there, a well timed nudge just before hitting the post works like 70% of the time. Otherwise, always go for extra balls, bonus multipliers, and bonus collects. Its been a long time since I played this though. Since the day I got the goal!


New member
Apr 3, 2013
What do you mean by this?

Oops, my mistake, I meant "spinner, bumper, multiplier (star) target".

Spinner = raise the bonus value (if lit, one turn gives 1000pts)
Bumper right behind = lit Star targets (one hit= lit, one other hit= unlit)
Star target = multiply the bonus value (x2 to x5).

It's the basic scheme to score "quickly".

I really want to complete this goal, since it is the last one, but I am really struggling to get over 1M. I know at least two have completed this goal on iOS but I wonder how many out of those 32 played it on iOS.

For many other tables you can find the different "outs" of a game, i.e. the movement patterns that will cause a drain.

This is going to be a real PAIN!

Or not!:p

I built a strategy to reach the 3M points goal quite easily. Yes, easily. (3.215.440)

It took me only four attempts to succeed, by following strictly some shot patterns and some "rules", which prevents most of SDTM and outlane drains.

I will open a specific thread, maybe tonight or this week-end, to explain with more details (and pictures).

Stay tuned! ;)
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I scored 4.5M last night (3 ball game), to my own surprise. I had reached the 3M wizard goal before, but only with the glitchy extra ball stacking, and wanted to do it for real.

I found the big leak in my game: uncontrolled shots from the rightmost flipper. On a rolling feed from that flipper's inlane, it's often possible to shoot directly into the upper playfield. That's nice, but if you miss, you're in big trouble with a fast uncontrolled rebound. So I stopped shooting almost anything from the rightmost flipper (only the star drop targets when lit), instead letting the ball drop to one of the lower flippers. My ball times went way up.

My other leak was in holding the lower-right flipper to roll an incoming ball up the right inlane. This is standard pinball instinct, but is actually dangerous on this table, because of the low separator to the right outlane. Better to keep the right flipper down to dead-pass whenever possible. (Same principle holds in Black Hole, mirrored - don't let any balls roll up the left inlane there.)

I also started shooting the spinner more. It never seemed worthwhile - just one bonus advance and maybe 100x10 points from spinning, small change that you can get anywhere on the table. But the spinner is very safe and lots of good things can happen: bounce into the upper playfield, or slide past the bumpers up to the top rollovers, or just rattle around the bumpers for a while for 2000 per hit (in a 3 ball game.)

Finally, a key shot is backhanding the Score Bonus hole directly from a trap on the lower right flipper. This is possible and pretty safe. You need to be able to collect the bonus regularly to keep the score moving along.


New member
Apr 3, 2013


New member
Mar 29, 2012
EDIT: looking at the score over 3 million, I see this one: ****Iggy___003 **** 2,999,400****

o_O I can't imagine the guy reaction at the end of his game... Six hundred points. One target. ONE target. o_O
I've had something very similar with Big Shot. At 249.600 the table would suddenly tilt and I was on my very last ball. And I never came close ever since. :-/

As for Genie... the best I could ever get out of it was something like 1,9 million. Every now and then I give that wizard goal a try, but it is a rather hopeless task for me. ;) Even with that great guide that was put up. It's not so much that it's a terribly hard table or something, it's more that I find it hard to adjust to those weirdo ball physics. It feels as if I'm playing the table on the moon or something. There's little gravity and the ball moves like in slow motion. The ball acts highly responsive to nudges but seems oddly unimpressed sometimes when it is hit by a flipper. It really is a strange table to play, this one.

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