A cool feature...

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New member
Jun 26, 2012
As you know the table pack can be expensive at 4.99$ USD a piece and one is released every month. So I have a simple proposotion. A credit system for The Pinball Arcade. Heres how it works. You have an area in the main menu to watch video ads, you watch ads, and for each watched ad you are credited somthing like TPA coins or somthing along those lines. Once you've accululated enough TPA coins you can redeem them for a table/table pack/pro table. FarSight can determine the ad to credit ratio to be in line with actual USD.

This way FarSight still gets paid and supported and more people will have the ability to purchase in-game content, it's a win win situation.

I got this idea from one of my favorite iOS game; Hungry Shark: Evolution. The company that offers this feature is "adcolony".


New member
Jun 4, 2012
worst idea ever, move on marketing right NOW k thx

i get where your coming from man an some kinda credit sustem for tourney winners could be pretty cool

but in no way can i stand this crap in tpa


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Ok, so what do the people that don't want to spend 5$ a month on packs do? This is a great alternative. I'm not talking ads popping up in the game, just the option to watch them to earn tables. If you guys want to buy me tables I would gladly accept them since it seem as if the money is of no concern to you guys...

And in regards to credits to Tourney winners getting free tables, how does FarSight make revenue off that?


New member
May 18, 2012
FarSight should have kept the option to buy tables separately, if there is one fine table and one that I just don't like then won't buy the pack at all, then it's not worth the money for me. I just don't want to be forced to buy stuff I don't want and eats up space. I recently payed 30 euro's for all the iOS Zaccaria tables including tons of adjusting features and excellent communication with the customers, now that's a good deal.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
If you can't afford $5 a month for the tables, I think TPA is the least of your problems.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
i used to dump more the $5 a month into arcades and pins in game rooms. $5 is a bargain unlimited play anytime anywhere.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
The idea that $5 a month for a table pack is unaffordable, even for people with modest incomes, deserves nothing but mocking laughter.

Smoke one less pack of cigarettes a month. Drink a beer or two less per month. See one less movie a month. Eat out one less time a month. Problem solved.

Also, read this: What Greed Won't Get You, and you'll see just how good a deal TPA really is.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Ok, so what do the people that don't want to spend 5$ a month on packs do?

You could play the unlimited free table which is rotated each mobile pack.
That's pretty generous of Farsight for no outlay from you.

Or you could walk the streets looking for dropped change.

There is an endless list of what you could do.
Can you play harmonica?


New member
Jun 4, 2012
are you actually 11 blindspider? maybe do aome chores cut some grass sell papers or some such
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