A few (more) basic questions


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I have a few more questions and hope that someone can answer them:
1) In the table menu settings, what is the purpose of Event Camera and Multiball Camera ? Up till now I can't see a difference between Off and On. Or is this only working when the Camera is not locked ? ( I have the Camera on locked).
2) On how many pc's are you allowed to install TPA ? At the moment I have it on my HTPC and my tablet. Can I also install it on my my wife's tablet when I install Steam and log-in with my account ?
Thanks in advance.


Apr 12, 2012
Event camera is a setting for when the camera zooms in on special events, like the ringmaster spinning in Cirque Voltaire.

Multiball camera locks the camera into a single non-scrolling view when you are in multiball.

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