Addams Family!!...yes!....ah... :(

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Seems like many, like me, got a bit disappointed this morning when checking the "Facebook News". I really hope they will launch a kickstarter with Addams Family this season, especially when they do something like this (for those w/o Facebook. FS posted some random post with a big fat tAF-image, leaving many, including me, to believe there was a tAF coming).

By the way, will we get the new update on Friday, you think (at least on iOS)?


New member
Aug 18, 2013
to post this picture on FS's FB page was completely idiotic move - looks like they dont care about people (including me) who had impressions like "WOW!! FINALY!! YEEEAAH!!" and after having their happy dance were slamed in a face with this "its just a random picture from some random review of random game site"...terrible move FS, but it looks like its just your style.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
It was just a stupid mistake, I expected this reaction though.

Maybe it wasn't a mistake, mind you...


New member
May 18, 2012
If they posted random tAF pictures then the kickstarter will be coming. These where hints and I'll bet they save this news till day 12.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Yeah, they got me on that one too. Then I realized the pic was from a review. But why would a review of TPA use a TAF pic when that pin isn't part of TPA?
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
Yeah, they got me on that one too. Then I realized the pic was from a review. But why would a review of TPA use an AF pic when that pin isn't part of TPA?

I thought the same thing. The review also implies that Addams family is part of the game already by never clearly stating it is t part and lumping it in with several licensed table that are. Not sure if anyone reads the block but I bet it had more hits last night/today than it probably has since its inception.


New member
May 4, 2012
Seems like many, like me, got a bit disappointed this morning when checking the "Facebook News". I really hope they will launch a kickstarter with Addams Family this season, especially when they do something like this (for those w/o Facebook. FS posted some random post with a big fat tAF-image, leaving many, including me, to believe there was a tAF coming).

Why do you write "tAF"? Do you think the full name is "the Addams Family"?


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Anyone noticed that TAF actually shows up in TPA's pictures on the facebook profile? No idea if it happens because they linked to the article, but it seems like one huge tease.


It was Rock, Paper, Shotgun that chose the picture for the article and made that picture the thumbnail for Facebook links. It really has nothing to do with FarSight in any way.

For some reason I am reminded of two things out of all of this.
1) Xbox One
2) iOS 7


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It is. I just checked to be double sure.

I think he was referring to the lower case t. It really should be TAF, as normally in the middle of a title, the word 'the' would start with a lower case letter but as the first word of the title the letter t would be capiatlaized, so it would the The Addams Family. The t would be lower case for instance if they had named it Family of the Addams.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Anyone noticed that TAF actually shows up in TPA's pictures on the facebook profile? No idea if it happens because they linked to the article, but it seems like one huge tease.

I just noticed it too, the addams family picture is in the photo album of TPA.
When you post an article or something else with a link on your facebook wall, the thumbnail doesn't go into your photo album, so it was put there by the people who run the facebook page!!!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
If this is unintentional....of all the tables that could get its backglass posted up on their facebook page it HAD to be couldnt write this kind of stuff.

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