Bug All high scores, goals etc gone on last table packs

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
I have no idea what happened but sometime after getting a magnificent high score on HD (including the Milwaukee goal) and after a long (and quite boring!) 45 min play... I started the game again and my goals and high scores have been brought back to what they were 3 days before, effectively erasing goals and high scores. I still had a few goals and high scores marked as they were three days before so they were not completely reset. I don't think I clicked "restore saved data" and I definetely didn't do it for all tables in 5/6-package.

Now. This was the second time something similar happened to me. Considering the high scores and goals can take FOREVER to complete for some tables and the high scores is (once you played the game for a while) the one thing that keeps it really interesting, this is a MAJOR bug.

I guess it is the whole Game center/Facebook/Far Sight login mess. Frustrating doesn't even begin to cover it...

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Stephen: Have you had any results with this? I have contacted your support but only gotten answers that was merely trying to postpone the problem. Do you realize what this bug means? It goes to the very core of your application's value.

A pinball table only last so far by the mere fun of it. The high scores, comparing high scores, achievements and game center points is what keeps the game going, what makes people really addicted to the game. When you have a bug that completely erases all goals and high-scores it does not only erase pooints, it erases hours and hours of playing in order to achieve those goals and high scores. But worst of all, it completely eradicates that goal seeking-fun of it. Knowing that you can, any given day, lose all you have been playing for completely removes the motivation to actually try to reach those goals.

I used to play this game all of the time. Couldn't wait to download the new table and told everyone of my friends to do the same. Now I hardly look at it.

Bugs do happen but I cannot accept your response to this that has only been "this looks interesting, we will look into this". Please respect me as a fan and customer of your product and give me some real answers and actually respond to my support tickets in the matter.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
+1 to Cristobal. The game loses its staying power when scores are reset / lost which I experienced in the last update. Related is that high scores locally do not sync with the online leaderboards when you are playing offline and then comeback to online later. I hope something can be done here.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
I'm the opposite. Couldn't care less about losing high scores, gives me a chance to move up the leader boards all over again. And if I don't, no big deal. The play is the thing, not whether I'm best or not. In real life it was always me against the machine, not my opponent or highest score.
Obviously a minority opinion here.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Wizened: It's not (just) about the leaderboard. It's about the achievements/goals and the local high scores. The goals is what makes the game interesting in the long run and the high scores are what keeps track of your best performances.

It is like being one hit away from beating the Battle for the Kingdom and get the ball lost due to some bug. Just take that frustration times x 10 because that is the amount of time that is put into the game completing all the goals.

If you don't get what the thread is all about, refrain from leaving judgments about who's in minority. This might be a small bug (considering how many experienced it) but it is a pretty damn bad one, if you care a lot about the game in the first place.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I use iExplorer to back up my scores on a regular basis, simply because I've had them become deleted a number of times. This is the ONLY game I've had to do that for.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Wizened: It's not (just) about the leaderboard. It's about the achievements/goals and the local high scores. The goals is what makes the game interesting in the long run and the high scores are what keeps track of your best performances.

It is like being one hit away from beating the Battle for the Kingdom and get the ball lost due to some bug. Just take that frustration times x 10 because that is the amount of time that is put into the game completing all the goals.

If you don't get what the thread is all about, refrain from leaving judgments about who's in minority. This might be a small bug (considering how many experienced it) but it is a pretty damn bad one, if you care a lot about the game in the first place.

I said iwas in the minority here, not you. As for a "bug" ruining a glorious game, that happened in real pinball too. See, that's the thing (for me):
Every "bug" mentioned in these fora, balls missing, 2 balls at plunger, resets of high scores ALL happened in RL. That's the beauty of what Far Sight is doing!
Obviously a minority opinion here. (Hope you read it correctly this time.)

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