All that coin


New member
Apr 12, 2012
I had a crazy thought one that I don't thing would every work but whatever here goes.
The one thing that will always be missing from this experience is that sense of tension you would get from having real money on the line with each game you play.
now obviously you cant charge people per game that would be insane, but what if there was some meta game involved something like River City Ransom that you could play to earn coins to play the games... sounds stupid but whatever. Anyone think it's a good idea or maybe have ideas of their own.


New member
May 23, 2012
I don't think the game would have went over too well if this were the case. PHOF did this but I felt like it was a dumb grind. There really is no need for something like this, unless they came out with a game mode where you were only allowed a certain number of plays per day or something


New member
Apr 12, 2012
I don't mean as a main mode of play just something of a side thing with it's own leaderboards. My fault for not making that clear.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Think of the irony I mean video games effectively killed pinball and now we have a virtual pinball video game now imagine that you have to play a video game to earn coins to play the virtual recreations of old tables,
I mean that's got to be some kind of irony vortex or something. The earth might not survive.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I'm thinking that maybe you can use the replays you earn to use towards buy-ins on games that support it (much like Pro Pinball did).


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I think maybe use your earned/won credits from either Specials or Matches to challenge people in Multiplayer online games-Winner keeps all :)


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I had a crazy thought one that I don't thing would every work but whatever here goes.
The one thing that will always be missing from this experience is that sense of tension you would get from having real money on the line with each game you play.
now obviously you cant charge people per game that would be insane, but what if there was some meta game involved something like River City Ransom that you could play to earn coins to play the games... sounds stupid but whatever. Anyone think it's a good idea or maybe have ideas of their own.

I have a solution to your problem right now but it will require you to buy a PS Vita and the PSP game Pinball Hall of Fame, The Gottlieb Collection.

Made by Farsight years ago, this PSP game can be trasfered from your PS3 to your PS Vita and it plays exactly as you have described. There are about 10 pinball tables you can play. Three of them are FREE PLAY right off the bat. By playing those tables you can earn credits to play other tables. Each of the other tables is worth 1 to 5 credits. While playing the tables that require credits, if you unlock all the goals, you will make them FREE PLAY tables.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
That's a lot of hardware for some tension that will only be very temporary. Also, those PHOF collections aren't the same as TPA. Close, but the improvements in TPA are worth rebuying the tables.


New member
May 15, 2012
I remember that they tried to do something similar in PHoF: Williams Collection, but within maybe 5 or 6 hours of play I already had a bunch of the tables unlocked for free play and earned several hundred credits. A shot while after that I had all tables on free play and had 999 credits. For me the draw is the goal system and going for highscores which is still more than enough to make the game real exciting.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I actually think there is some merit in using earned credits for Buy-ins. While earning extra balls for replays is essentially like a forced buy-in feature now, storing earned credits for unlockable content would be kind of awesome. Buy-in management is important for scoring on certain tables such as Star Trek: TNG. You can't join the Captain's Club unless you buy in to the maximum level set on the table.

Think of earned credits like redemption tickets for in-game "extras". Hi-res playfield art, special ball colours, other trinkets like the promotional plastics you get in tables when purchased (might be hard to source pictures of, but I have some for Pin2k games and Theatre of Magic)

As Crush3d_Turtle rightly says, if you are a hard-core player and absolutely hammer the tables, then you're going to get a fair few credits racked up.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I really think that free play mode should be used to earn credits via replay score and match.

Then, you can use those credits to take a shot at the leaderboard. That way coins aren't that hard to earn, but it does make them mean something, would also stop the "my first ball sucked i'll start over" mentality for the leaderboards.

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