An Afternoon At FarSight Studios


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Just read the PA Facebook page about backers get a special build of the PC release soon. It would be fantastic if this includes a portrait mode.


New member
May 10, 2012
Great news! Farsight: Please hurry and make that 2 or 3 screen cabinet version and have it available when the pc tpa finally is here. No reason to wait until the pc ver is here before you bake that cake. At least have a portrait mode and mapping keys ready. Pretty please ;-)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Great news! Farsight: Please hurry and make that 2 or 3 screen cabinet version and have it available when the pc tpa finally is here. No reason to wait until the pc ver is here before you bake that cake. At least have a portrait mode and mapping keys ready. Pretty please ;-)
Greed, anyone...? ;)

I'm just happy we're getting anything PC-wise at all, considering the Steam train doesn't seem to be headed anywhere fast. And I certainly wasn't expecting a 6-table mini-TPA in the meantime. Wonder how they're doing the DRM?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Great news! Farsight: Please hurry and make that 2 or 3 screen cabinet version and have it available when the pc tpa finally is here. No reason to wait until the pc ver is here before you bake that cake. At least have a portrait mode and mapping keys ready. Pretty please ;-)

I think they will probably make the cabinet version like a pro table that will be sold separately. I wouldn't think they would want to sink money into it until they know how they will be distributing it.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
The cabinet that I saw at an arcade seemed to be mostly graphically correct but the targets seem smushed and I can't figure out the reason when a PS3 build doesn't look that way. (Then again, these tables were not designed by Farsight, so maybe something got lost in the translation.) Anyway, it's a big turnoff for what otherwise would be very inspirational.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The cabinet that I saw at an arcade seemed to be mostly graphically correct but the targets seem smushed and I can't figure out the reason when a PS3 build doesn't look that way. (Then again, these tables were not designed by Farsight, so maybe something got lost in the translation.) Anyway, it's a big turnoff for what otherwise would be very inspirational.

A virtual pinball in an arcade - that is surprising. Did it look like a one-off and was there an interface to select multiple tables, etc.?

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Late but after reading all the speculation, it seems champion pub is in, while people are 50/50 that the other table is Roadshow or WhiteWater?

So that's:

New: Cactus Canyon, Champion Pub, Dr. Dude, Centaur, 8-Ball Deluxe, Fireball, (Roadshow or WhiteWater)

Old: Pin*Bot, Space Shuttle, Firepower, Whirlwind, Victory, Sorcerer

And of course Genie/Attack this month.

Is that about right?
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2012
Great news! Farsight: Please hurry and make that 2 or 3 screen cabinet version and have it available when the pc tpa finally is here. No reason to wait until the pc ver is here before you bake that cake. At least have a portrait mode and mapping keys ready. Pretty please ;-)


Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Disturbing talk about how they have to contact the copyright holders for permission for any changes they make - even bug fixes! Just what we need - more reason for them not to fix the bugs!


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Disturbing talk about how they have to contact the copyright holders for permission for any changes they make - even bug fixes! Just what we need - more reason for them not to fix the bugs!

They will fix them, but it is more likely that they group fixes together and explains why it takes a while to get bug fixes out to the online stores for us to download.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I am just happy to get all his information. The report is very thorough and well written and I salute Shutyertrap for that. It is obvious there is a huge amount of information that we do not know about the background and behind-the-scenes happenings with the game. It is great to have this info now so we can understand why bug fixes don't happen as fast as we expect and how the process works among many other aspects of releases and updates. I just wish this had been communicated earlier on and I wish there was a way it could be publicized in a way that would reach everyone. Unfortunately, I don't believe much of the facebook community and others are that patient to find the answers or accept the answers if they are handed over on a silver platter.

As a side note, I don't live too far from Big Bear so I'd be happy to come on up if anyone from Farsight wants to extend an invite. The beer will be on me!


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Oh, man I hope we get Road Show. Probably the only thing holding it back is that licensed song it uses. Hopefully someday we'll have all of Lawlor's tables, including the holy grail...TAF.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
The blurred out blue cab is definitely White Water. Road Show is a lighter blue and those have got to be Bigfoot's toes just underneath the flipper buttons. Yellow or red, flipper buttons can be changed.





New member
Nov 19, 2012
Judging by the jumbled colors on the playfield though, there's hardly any green on White Water, and no clear yellows around the top part.
Road Show has both.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Hah! I thought you were talking about the one up close.
Yeah, that one is definitely White Water, no doubt about it.

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