Android 1.19.0 Discussion and Feedback

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That's how they designed it. Issues arise too if the user's device goes dead, or it crashes for some reason, network loss etc, they essentially lose their scoring chance for that table. He wanted the user to be able to try for his best 20 minutes multiple times, but I will bring up the feedback to him. What do you guys think of the 20 minutes? Too long?

Imo 20 minutes are just about perfect. On half the tables the game is over before times up anyway.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
Considering that this is to combat marathon game grinding, 20 should be an interesting start, it might be a tad long given the "crunch test" mentality but I know how I'd feel if I was having the game of my life and the timer goes off :)

Methinks in the long run, you might want to do 5-15-30 minute tiers


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Considering that this is to combat marathon game grinding, 20 should be an interesting start, it might be a tad long given the "crunch test" mentality but I know how I'd feel if I was having the game of my life and the timer goes off :)

Methinks in the long run, you might want to do 5-15-30 minute tiers

That's actually an great idea. 5-minute Challenges; just like the IRC room does.

@Ryan Routon I understand why the counter doesn't reset now. The justification is warranted for not resetting. Shorter durations would be a way of getting around this.


New member
Aug 10, 2013
How about making a log file that updates every minute, in the event of a crash, they could start over with however many minutes they're left with?

The only way I could see that being abused is if they pull the battery, or somehow force close TPA remotely. (which would probably only happen if they plug their phone in to a PC, as it causes a unmount of the local storage device)

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
still the way we designed it that would not be abuse, we designed it so they can play as many X minutes games they want. Plus what is stopping someone from editing the log file? If we did something like this it would have to be on the server side, but as I said before they wanted it this way. That said ill pass along the feedback :)
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