Android 1.9.0: Bugs

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Most reported bugs have been dealt with in the build posted by Ryan; in the feedback thread.

The perspective switching, the frame rate dropping on Nexus 10's, the Trigger button not appearing. For a bonus the trigger button appears to have been moved on my 7" tablet screen as well so it isn't obscuring the right outlane. But It may just be the view I was using. I do think it was higher and moved to the left, more onto the launcher :-/

Keep in mind that the UI of the main menu is still locked to a Landscape perspective, that hasn't changed.

I Still cannot connect to leader Boards; getting connection/network error messages.


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Yeah, I didn't notice the post above mine until after I posted. I just applied Ryan's fix and it cleared up almost all of the issues I was having. The only one that is left for me anyways is the main table select screen is still majorly touchy. When you try to move the tables back and forth they don't move smoothly like they should and are very jumpy. The landscape issue really isn't a problem for me as I play primarily in landscape mode anyways but I can see how it would be a major issue for someone that prefers portrait. Thanks Ryan for the fix. It at least made my favorite game playable again. Tell the guys at FarSight you deserve an extra slice of pie at the company Christmas dinner! ;)
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New member
Feb 29, 2012
Unbelievable. The patch really did just clear up every issue.

Thanks a million, Ryan. Awesome job!


New member
Sep 11, 2012
Thank you for the fix allowing us to play ST:TNG in portrait...I can see things now! :)

Is anybody else having a "touchy trigger"? I try to click the left flipper when launching the ball to move between options...but sometimes it moves to the next option, sometimes it launches the ball. I think I have the same problem in Harley Davidson.

Also, the bug in "command decision" about not always picking the mode I select is there (it seems to pick the one before?)...but I can compensate for that one.

Many thanks for the quick fixes!



New member
May 16, 2012
Is anybody else having a "touchy trigger"? I try to click the left flipper when launching the ball to move between options...but sometimes it moves to the next option, sometimes it launches the ball. I think I have the same problem in Harley Davidson.

Also, the bug in "command decision" about not always picking the mode I select is there (it seems to pick the one before?)...but I can compensate for that one.


Pop Sergeant

New member
Jul 26, 2012
MENU Scrolling

PROBLEM: Menu Scrolling ...

DEVICE: Toshiba Thrive, ICS 4.04

This is actually just a theory. I think the reason why the new menu scrolling is so jumpy is that touching a table icon performs two functions: (1) it centers that table into the center spot and (2) it initiates the grab to flick/scroll.

So when we touch and flick we are actually getting touch-center-flick (scroll) at each instance; hence, the jumping back and forth when trying to scroll quickly.

My suggestion would be to either greatly increase the delay to register an action to better discriminate between a touch and a tap or to make the tap/touch to center a table a double-tap.

Anyway ... just a theory ... and I'm not all hard up on my suggestions ... open to better ones.

I hope this makes sense.

@Ryan ... thank you for taking time out of your personal time to patch the orientation issue -- you da' man!


Had a gamebreaking bug, getting to FF, all balls launch, score a few shots and all the sudden the flippers became unresponsible, balls drain and im stuck with this; Only solution to quit the game.

Im on Nexus 7 with stock JB. First and only time I get this.

Edit: Running; 1.9.1
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
I cant access anything but the login area on my samsung galaxy s3. With jellybean. Cant even get to the tables to play at all. This update rendered the game unplayable due to inability to access tables or pur chase tables area


Device/OS: Nexus 10/Galaxy Tab 2 7"

Bug Description: Transparent captive balls in NGG

Steps to reproduce: play NGG

Frequency: 100%


Device/OS: Nexus 10/Jelly Bean 4.2.1

Bug Description: Gumball Machine jams after Gumball Mania leading to 2 ball in plunger lane

Steps to reproduce: Activate Powerball Mania, end mode, when gumball reloads the Powerball jams which blocks the next ball from entering the Gumball Machine. This makes the whole table pause and just sit there making clicking noises as it tests switches. When I use the call attendant the ball that is jammed behind the Powerball is removed and winds up in the plunger lane making 2 balls to be plunged. So long as this isn't your last ball, or you have an extra ball or 2 then this is not a game ending bug as after you clear both balls from the plunger the table will reload the gumball machine properly and reset the trough optos.

Frequency: ???


Not really sure if this is bug or just bizarre ROM behaviour. I haven't encountered this while using pre-sets on any other table. But at the same time any other table doesn't, iirc, have a factory adj default setting either.

Device/OS: Nexus 10/ Jelly Bean 4.2.1

Bug Description: Restoring STTNG Factory adjustments results in 10 credits being added

Steps to reproduce: go into operators mode, go to utility menu U7, press enter, escape out of the operators menu, then back to attract mode the DMD will show the game has the rom maximum of 10 credits



Device/OS: Not Platform Specific

Bug Description: Pro mode no longer functioning as it used to. HSTD Data not clearing when cleared in Utilities, the Reset button and resetting to factory settings doesn't rest anything but the toy/mode/etc settings

Steps to reproduce: turn on operators mode, open coin door, go to utility menu, reset the HSTD data, look at the local high score table, notice nothing has changed. Go back to the Operators mode, open coin door, press the reset button on the right, this used to previously reset the table, the HSTD, everything but the HOF and goals to TPA "Factory" settings. Now it does nothing but make the other buttons (enter, +/-) intermittent to non-functional

Frequency: 100% I tested this on STTNG and ESS and walked Fungi through the steps to do it on iOS and they had the same results on STTNG, so this is definitely not an OS isolated issue.

What I find sort of weird is that these features were all functional in 1.8.0.

Is this the interim step to having separate table data for the "arcade" and the Pro modes, so that all the info is discrete and isolated; not just scores but table state everything? As it stands the local score from a game in Pro mode is still counted towards the HOF points and is saved on the same local HSTD as a normal "Arcade" game.


New member
Dec 23, 2012
Device: samsung galaxy s2
Jelly bean, resurrection remix rom

I just updated to new version and then bought star trek pro pack, but the problem is i haven't got this table in my table section and when i go to New table section and try click buy pro pack again it redirect me to play store and show message that I already own this product pack. It's really frustrating, I recommend that you do more beta testing before you issue new update.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Asus PAD TF101g / Android 4.0.3

Bug Description:
When I select the operator mode of from the PRO tables, the APP crashes.
When I put the PAD in English but it works, but my PAD is on German.

Steps to reproduce:
When I press the button in the menu.

Every times
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Asus PAD TF101g / Android 4.0.3

Bug Description:
When I select the operator mode of from the PRO tables, the APP crashes.
When I put the PAD in English but it works, but my PAD is on German.

Steps to reproduce:
When I press the button in the menu.

Every times


Captain Groovy

New member
Dec 25, 2012
I bought the "Star Trek" table, and though I love and bought all the previous ones available, seems like this one was not ready to go on sale yet. Or shouldn't have been. I have a Samsung 4GLTE Droid Pad.

The "trigger" for the launchers on the sides don't work. So it just keeps saying "launch ball" but half the time, I cannot.

In the event a ball is launched, I cannot see the sides at all to see if I should bump or not. Physically impossible since it's covered by those guns.

I can no longer quit the app, either.

So my entire experience now stinks. It's not just the one game.

Please make "Star Trek" workable before selling the next one. Are these bugs being worked on now?


Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Pressing home will kill all the threads running so that the app will not eat your battery, I will fix the back button it was introduced when they pushed the new UI. Also we should lock this thread.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Pressing home will kill all the threads running so that the app will not eat your battery, I will fix the back button it was introduced when they pushed the new UI. Also we should lock this thread.
I've started a new bugs thread here, but we'll have to wait for one of the moderators to lock this thread.
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