[ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.04


New member
May 18, 2012
If you prefer a dim light fx but find the dark mode too dark, set the R, G and B sliders all the way to the left in 'normal lighting mode' (or slightly tone them down). Space Shuttle has a great dim light athmosphere in normal lighting mode, you can replicate this look on other tables as well this way.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
when it comes to tweaking zac graphically nights your man boys, in many ways he was the biggest reason outside of ask it works so well

i feel dirty for saying that

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I'm quite happy with the current 'dark room' lighting. It just requires a little tweaking. Personally ive been boosting 'outside' and 'inside' lighting to around 30 - 40% depending on table lighting, and setting 'lamp flashing' to around 80%.
Also Samsung devices (or at least my UK S4) is terrible in this and other apps for darkening images. So I've been knocking auto brightness off, and setting around 60% brightness.

It actually looks better on my old N7 2012 than my S4.

Physics wise, i've ended up with these as my preferred settings.


I think it looks, sounds and plays stunningly personally.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
When I play pinball now, it's always Zacc.
Same boat - I haven't yet really played Addams Family properly despite being quite excited for this one to release (I'll get to this one later I guess), and for the first time ever haven't bought the new Zen tables on release day, might not even bother.

Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Just played for the first time ever on a friends iPad and I was totally impressed how good this was, love camera angle #2 and how you can see the bottom of the back glass for a brief second or two. The ambient sounds in the back ground are top notch, everything is just so well put together. Can't wait for it when it comes to Android


New member
May 18, 2012
when it comes to tweaking zac graphically nights your man boys, in many ways he was the biggest reason outside of ask it works so well

i feel dirty for saying that

Now that we are talking dirty, Lightmap Force is often set a bit too high. Many tables benefit from a slightly lower setting to avoid overblown lights.

If FarSight would have listened to my stupid whining about their plastic graphics we actually could have something similair in quality to look at and play with. ASK has great graphic artist, Zaccaria looks fantastic out of the box. You actually forget you are playing a sim, something that TPA has never succeed imo.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Now that we are talking dirty, Lightmap Force is often set a bit too high. Many tables benefit from a slightly lower setting to avoid overblown lights.

If FarSight would have listened to my stupid whining about their plastic graphics we actually could have something similair in quality to look at and play with. ASK has great graphic artist, Zaccaria looks fantastic out of the box. You actually forget you are playing a sim, something that TPA has never succeed imo.

I've felt for a long time now, that it's a shame that Farsight have tied up so many tables legally and that these can never be done properly now due to Farsight managements opinion of what are acceptable quality levels.

Could have been great.

Kickstarter to hand the licenses over?


New member
Jul 24, 2013
The cam editor "test" does not seem to work for me (Samsung Galaxy S5, Android 5.0) - I just get the empty background image but no table visible.
However while I am typing this I noticed you should probably use the cam editor while you are running a table and not from the main menu... would make sense to place some info about that in the cam editor if you run it from the main menu and press the "test" button.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
hmmm........ can't start v1-04. Actually, I can, but then my tablet reboots after that ASK screen.
Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-p1 with CM11 (4.4.4). v1-03 was OK except that I didn't have the game in full screen, bottom of the screen had a black stripe of ~30pix high.


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
hmmm........ can't start v1-04. Actually, I can, but then my tablet reboots after that ASK screen.
Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-p1 with CM11 (4.4.4). v1-03 was OK except that I didn't have the game in full screen, bottom of the screen had a black stripe of ~30pix high.
Could you send a crash report? Thanks.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
After giving up on the ps4 version last year after buying the first season straight away, (still can't believe leaderboards don't work!), I popped this onto my phone, a Sony Xperia z3 compact. It looks stunning. I've also got a 32gb Google nexus 7 2nd generation tablet. Has anyone tried it on that? It crashed twice on my phone once my game time ended.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
you've not had much luck what with the 360 and now the PS4 :)

Zaccaria is really very good. I had issues with the free version, been much better since I paid up for the Gold membership. Not crashed once.......................... whereas TPA tends to crash quite regularly (not during play but on resume from sleep usually).

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