[ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.1

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Not very familiar with android products but as I was considering getting a multimedia player for my home theatre, I was checking out this little device called "MyGica ENJOY TV Box" with android kitkat (1800 Quad Core 2GB DDR3). Very nice specs, crappy remote ;). Still, the idea of playing Zaccaria Pinball on a large TV was very enticing, thankfully the owner of the computer store allowed me to install Zaccaria Pinball on it so I could try it :)

However, on this particular device, I noticed flipper lag via his wireless keyboard. We plugged in a wired keyboard and the flipper lag was lessened but still was noticeable. I imagine the cause is the device, not our awesome pinball app. I Don't think this device supported Bluetooth, so I assume that might be part of the issue.

So my question is, has any android owner played Zaccaria Pinball on a similar android multimedia box, and if yes, any particular recommendations on a model that works well? Anything with game pad support is probably a must, I definitely want to play your app on a larger screen :)

Note to ASK: so very impressed with your app. In saying that, I know the focus and target have been mobile devices, so I understand why some Jaggies reveal the Low resolution of some of the art assets. It makes sense as most using 10" and under devices probably won't notice them and it keeps your app size small, which is enticing to many mobile users, so this is not a complaint! but IMHO, the lower res textures are noticeable on a 42" screen, I suspect even more so on a larger screen. Naturally how far one sits from the TV can lessen/worsen the issue. Anyway, This isn't a complaint, maybe this is affecting less than 1% of your userbase, but something for you to consider if these devices become more popular as a viable gaming platform, that you may need an HD version with higher art assets. Unless, there are anti-aliasing options on these devices that need to be set to "on"? Maybe that would lessen the issue.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Can we have separate leaderboards for 3 and 5 balls please? Or even just leaderboards for 3? I've been playing with 3 all this time and didn't realise that you can have 5, something I refuse to do!

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Can we have separate leaderboards for 3 and 5 balls please? Or even just leaderboards for 3? I've been playing with 3 all this time and didn't realise that you can have 5, something I refuse to do!
I haven't tried a 5 ball game yet, but don't you just get reduced scoring with 5 opposed to 3 balls?
Like in TPA with genie and bigshot.

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