Any chances of good Data East tables arriving? Like Jurassic Park or TFTC


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I know that, but does this mean no dice on the license because Disney can’t be bothered to negotiate over this kind of thing or does Lucasfilm still have a free hand for licensing?


New member
Jun 7, 2018
I know that, but does this mean no dice on the license because Disney can’t be bothered to negotiate over this kind of thing or does Lucasfilm still have a free hand for licensing?

Even if Farsight got the license, Disney are very careful with their licensing.

When Dennis Nordman was on Topcast, he mentioned that when they got the licence to make the Pirates of the Caribbean pinball game, they only got the name, the voices, movie script and actors likeness' were all seperate licences, so they had to get in their own voice actors in, and write their own lines for it.

I know my example is of a phyiscal pinball machine, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had to go through the same process.
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New member
Oct 5, 2017
I know that, but does this mean no dice on the license because Disney can’t be bothered to negotiate over this kind of thing or does Lucasfilm still have a free hand for licensing?

I mean, anything is possible, but Lucasfilm being a division of Disney is why we never got Indiana Jones in TPA, and SW is an even bigger license than IJ.


New member
Jun 7, 2018
Even if Farsight got the license, Disney are very careful with their licensing.

Friendly reminder that Disney gave exclusivity to new Star Wars games (sans LEGO based ones) to EA... Seems to me that they were not nearly careful enough.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
So no LOTR or TSPP than :(

I doubt it unless Stern does a vault edition, or we have another kickstarter.

Just my opinion here. I have no inside info from Farsight or Stern.

I'd love LOTR & TSPP though. Totally with you on that.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
If they can get Nightmare On Elm Street or Tales From The Crypt in time for Halloween that would be cool. If not, there's always Genesis.

Would be nice to throw so good will our way what with how 2018 has been for TPA!

It's fun to dream, but I doubt we will see any more licensed pins other than new Stern pins.

Well Stern re-released Spiderman last year so hopefully we'll at least see that?

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