Any TPA Tables You Regret Buying?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I certainly don't play each table with equal enthusiasm, but I do enjoy all of them. I'll continue to purchase ALL tables.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Yup, like the others, I think each table has it's own qualities that makes it great. I plan on buying all that are released.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I'm going to say I would be in the group with everyone else and say I don't regret any of them. That is except Black Knight. I loooove the table itself but it pains me that I payed for something that messed up, even more so that like 6 months after release and they still haven't touched it or mentioned it. That mess should be priority #1.
If that was up to the standard as the rest I would be quite happy.


New member
May 15, 2012
I do not regret any of the purchases, but I have been extremely frustrated with the incredibly low quality of some of them. For instance, the CV/Funhouse pack on the PS Vita has game ending glitches on both tables where the ball will eventually just go missing forcing you to quit the game; or 2 balls end up in the plunger lane of CV that you cannot get back into play without nudging enough to tilt. I am also really disappointed in the BoP/MM pack as well. BoP has several visual problems that hinder the gameplay and MM runs at a very slow frame rate resulting in jittery play and both of these problems have been around since the pack launched back last summer. I do have faith that FS will get these issues fixed and that these tables may become fully playable so I do not regret purchasing them.


New member
Jan 9, 2013
can I be the heretic in the congregation... I have absolutely no love whatsoever for ATM. I only really bought due to the anticipatory hype here on the board. I find gameplay, repetitive and dull; shooting the centre shot targets or saucer is dull and frustrating in the extreme due to those predictable centre drains. I knew it would play somewhat similarly to MM, but bought anyway, carried along by the wave of enthusiasm. I'm glad not to have made then same mistake and have not bought ST:TNG.

OTOH, I so enjoy the tables RBION & TZ. both have deep & satisfying gameplay where single games can last longer than I have available time. interestingly, i loathed RBION initially, with what seemed to be frequent, brutal, unforgiving side lane drains. I learnt the rules and outlane drains are no more a problem than any other game where proper ball control is exercised. For me this and TZ are a total blast. varied gameplay, nice ruleset, challenging but also fair. it's very seldom you get a centre drain or a SDTM on RBION. also I play just to hear the innane completely over the top sooooper jaaaackpot announcement. this always brings a huge smile.

There are a few other tables I also don't get that much satisfaction from... BH, BK, Genie , but here expectations were already far lower from the outset so no big deal, and no disappointments.

finally, I'm not over optimistic for Dr Dude. based on my experiences with ATM I may give this a miss, or at least wait for the dissenting voices to make themselves heard here.

excommunication (or The Adams family) is my only salvation.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I wouldn't say I regret any of them (though until recently I would have said that about Harley and Creature from the Black Lagoon), however there are a couple tables I don't intend to double-dip on when the Wii U release comes out: Ripley's and Harley Davidson. I suppose it's possible I'll buy them eventually on the platform, but they're my last priority. I'd add Twilight Zone to that list, but since I put $100 in the kickstarter I get it across all platforms, so I'm not going to have to make a decision there.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
There might be tables I don't play that often, but I haven't regretted buying a single one. I guess since on PS3 they come in packs, there was always one table of the two that I really liked.

I don't know, I guess the cost is so low, it's hard to feel any remorse.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Pack 2 for Android is a dark stain on the carpet spoils the room. CV is a buggy mess, with floaty, buggy physics and inconsistent flipper aiming, where the ball hit at the same point on the same flipper going roughly the same speed will go two wildly different directions, essentially making the table unplayable. FH is much worse, though. It looks and plays great, but the disappearing / reappearing ball makes the Rudy shot extremely difficult to make, making my scores about a tenth of what they are on the 360. It seems an easy fix, but it hasn't happened.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Bride of pinbot

While I don't really regret buying any TPA table, BOP plays really boring (left ramp all day), and the general unbalanced scoring and randomness (that's without even counting the billion shot) makes it much less exciting to play for score attacks.

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