Any TPA Tables You Regret Buying?


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Not really, Although I would regret if ever I purchase the 'pro menu'. Just tried it on the android platform and it doesn't even seem worth the extra $3-$4 dollars for just moving the ball around. The operator mode should be standard that is all I have to say about that.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I'm a completionist by nature, so I have no qualms about buying everything. The way I see it, I'm just basically paying a nominal subscription fee to FarSight for access to all of these tables. I obviously have some tables I'll play way more than others, but at the current prices it's really not a big deal at all, and it's nice to have options. Sometimes I feel in the mood for an older style game and it's nice to have things like Big Shot and Genie to go to. I wouldn't sit there playing them for hours on end like I would Twilight Zone or Medieval Madness or Attack from Mars, but certainly enough to justify the 2 or 3 bucks I pay for them.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
CV on ios, its just so buggy! :mad:. IF, and thats a big IF, I do have a game on this table I almost always quit in frustration that the well publicised bugs are still after all this time. Camera on the table instead of the plunger, highwire multiball bug where the first 2 balls locked just vibrate against each other until the table has had enough and releases them instead of waiting for the third, camera on the playfield instead of the backglass during the cannon game. I regret buying it because I think its giving me an ulcer moaning about it all the time.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
No tables that I regret buying. But there are some that would gather dust if i owned the physical versions of them. I'm looking at you "Harley Davidson: 3rd Edition"! I started out hating RBION, but now that is a table that I will play on a consistent basis. The art is a little gaudy, but I finally got used to it. CV on iOS bugs the hell out of me. Pun intended. I dread locking two balls on the highwire, and a "sneaky lock" is not at all welcome after summoning the ringmaster.


Apr 12, 2012
I don't have any that I regret per se but I do have some that I don't play (Black Knight, CV) because they're either ugly or more frustration than they're worth. I'll play pretty much all the others but with a heavy emphasis on TOM, MM, and Funhouse.

This is on PS3 - so no Genie, Big Shot, TZ, etc, for me yet.



Feb 28, 2012
They don't cost enough for me to regret buying any of them. If I play them more than once, I feel like I've got my money's worth.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
I wouldn't say regret, since it's such a small amount of money. So I don't begrudge giving FS my money considering how much work goes in to these things.

However, there are tables I rarely play, and would never buy if they weren't bundled.

Ripley's Believe it or Not. I just don't like the look and feel and sounds of the table. Convoluted.

Harley Davidson. Ick. I can only assume this one was included due to contractual reasons or something.

Bride of Pinbot. Meh. Scoring seems grossly imbalanced. A handful of shots give you billions...

Taxi. I know, I know. Just not a fan. Didn't like it much in PHOF, either.

Elvira. Theme and look of table does nothing for me.

Big Shot. Why is this even included?

I was a bit disappointed with Cirqus Voltaire. I expected to like it a lot better, but the graphics don't do the real thing any justice. The lighting just isn't there.

FWIW, I think Genie is a lovely looking game. Takes me back...

Looking forward to Firepower, Space Shuttle.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
On Android, where it's possible to buy tables individually, there are a few that I don't enjoy or play enough to really justify having bought them: Harley-Davidson, No Good Gofers, maybe Scared Stiff. And I actually didn't buy Ripley's (though I have the XBox version).

But these tables are so cheap individually, especially when you figure in that I bought most of them in discounted bundles, that "regret" isn't really the right word. All of the bundles so far have had at least one table that I really liked.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
In my opinion there is no such thing as a crappy table, pinball is always good! Genie & Big Shot are my least favorite tables, but I still enjoy them. T he only bad pinball tables I can think of aren't real or recreations. I.e. MS space cadet :D


New member
Nov 19, 2012
On Android, where it's possible to buy tables individually, there are a few that I don't enjoy or play enough to really justify having bought them: Harley-Davidson, No Good Gofers, maybe Scared Stiff. And I actually didn't buy Ripley's (though I have the XBox version).

Spend some time to get into both NGG and RBION. You'll learn to love them both.


New member
May 5, 2012
The Harley/Taxi pack could have been skipped for me. I love Taxi but played SO much of it on PHOF. And Harley is fine, but I almost never play it with so many better tables to choose from.

Never play BK either, but holding out hope it'll be fixed some day. And CFTBL is top 5 most played for me, so the pack is worth it.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
I'm kind of regretting ST:TNG. I'm a huge Star Trek fan and while I love the graphics, music, and sound effects, I just hate the layout and extreme difficulty. Even with practice there are only one or two shots I can make with any consistency. It's way to easy to drain and far to often the ball drains immediately after launch (though at least this table has ball saver enabled). While I feel some tables in TPA are a bit too easy, this one is just unpleasantly difficult. I have not bought Twilight Zone yet but from my experiences with the demo I worry that it might be a similar experience.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I'm kind of regretting ST:TNG. I'm a huge Star Trek fan and while I love the graphics, music, and sound effects, I just hate the layout and extreme difficulty. Even with practice there are only one or two shots I can make with any consistency. It's way to easy to drain and far to often the ball drains immediately after launch (though at least this table has ball saver enabled). While I feel some tables in TPA are a bit too easy, this one is just unpleasantly difficult. I have not bought Twilight Zone yet but from my experiences with the demo I worry that it might be a similar experience.

Twilight Zone is quite playable, compared to Star Trek. Some on this board say it is far too easy, but I think most players won't feel that way. It is a very fun table.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I regret buying every last one of 'em. I don't have enough time to play 'em all as much as I would like to. ;)


People complaining about ST:TNG being too hard, have you ever played the real thing? I think it's the most accurate table so far along with AFM.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
People complaining about ST:TNG being too hard, have you ever played the real thing? I think it's the most accurate table so far along with AFM.

Agreed. I can remember having games that were over in a couple of minutes in real life. I generally did pretty well at it and that's pretty much the same experience I'm having with the Pinball Arcade. Still one of my faves even in virtual form.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
People complaining about ST:TNG being too hard, have you ever played the real thing? I think it's the most accurate table so far along with AFM.
In terms of comparison to the real tables, the TPA version of ST:TNG is by far the most accurate. My real high score and my TPA high score are nearly in a 1:1 ratio. Most tables it's 10:1 or higher in favor of TPA.

In terms of relative difficulty compared to the other TPA tables, ST:TNG is too hard. RBION, MM and TZ should be the three most difficult tables released so far. The first two are where they should be compared to the rest of the tables; TZ is still a shadow of its true self, although the removal of that barrier in the bumpers will help matters some.

EDIT: I suppose I should answer the original question while I'm at it. I don't necessarily regret buying any of the tables, but Harley Davidson is really close to falling in that category. I don't care much for Black Knight either, although I appreciate its historical value.
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