Any TPA Tables You Regret Buying?


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I wasn't impressed with T2 in the arcade so I don't expect to be impressed with a virtual version. In its defense it does remind me a bit of a 70s Bally machine just because of the metal monster artwork and the wide-open playfield, but there's not a lot to do on the table. I can remember essentially two or three shots to take and that's about it. I'm sure fans will speak up to defend it, but I don't think it's worth the license money; I'd really rather see Xenon.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
T2 is a bit of a one trick pony.

Lock the ball, shoot for multiball with the canon, relock all 3 balls, shoot for jackpot, lock a ball once more in the skull and get a Super.

It's pretty difficult to pull off on the real thing, but I dare say it's going to be many times easier on the TPA version.


New member
May 15, 2012
Additionally, you need to be able to get a good view from down low on the right side of the machine when firing the gun which is something that you cannot replicate in the game.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
I regret buying the ABBA/Yogi Bear pack. As it turns out...

And that Brooklin Bridge deal was a ripoff too.


I regret buying pro mode for ToTAN. It's was on sale and the ugly go pro sticker I the former UI was a real eyesore, only reason I bought it.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Sure you can

Agreed. I don't have a problem making probe shots in TNG so if they can make that work and backglass stuff in Scared Stiff and Cirqus Voltaire and Taxi, I don't see any issues with T2.

I bought pro mode in Arabian Nights at the promo price and I think the only thing I used it for was the table tour. I like having my scores in the board so tweaking the rules doesn't have any appeal for me. Maybe if I was a real pinball wizard I'd like the extra challenge!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
What I meant is, it shouldn't be a problem for FS to change tha camera angle, when a ball enters the canon in single ball mode.


New member
May 15, 2012
What I meant is, it shouldn't be a problem for FS to change tha camera angle, when a ball enters the canon in single ball mode.

The concern I have is whether or not there will be any problems with the disorientation of switching back to the standard view while the ball is in play.


The concern I have is whether or not there will be any problems with the disorientation of switching back to the standard view while the ball is in play.

This doesn't seem to be much of a problem on STTNG when you get the Battle, or Probe missions, or prior to the Borg multiball.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
No regrets. Then again, I don't own TZ - HD - BH. Never liked playing them in real life. Black Hole is the only table I've truly despised since it came out in 1981. It was the first 50 cent play for a game and it was certainly a black hole for my money.

TZ will probably be in my collection soon. I resist because of all the money I spent on real table and never experienced pinball bliss.


Feb 28, 2012
Hate to be a hater, but it will be all of them. TPA was a huge dissapointment to me, regarding platform priorities and difficulty settings.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I have some i never play, and i think dude and firepower will be the first pack with two pins i dont like.

But wont regret nothing. But..... I am a bit worried pa is losing momentum. Cause whats coming next? We need some surprises fast.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I have some i never play, and i think dude and firepower will be the first pack with two pins i dont like.

But wont regret nothing. But..... I am a bit worried pa is losing momentum. Cause whats coming next? We need some surprises fast.

So what would you say would get the momentum back? There certainly was a fever pitch high for TZ and ST:TNG, and I almost feel like people's expectations were impossible to match, so there's this sudden lull from crashing down to reality.

I'm excited for what's coming. Cactus Canyon, Centaur, Whirlwind, those tables I can neither confirm nor deny that everyone has been guessing at. Throw in the Xbox mess is soon to be cleared, a Wii U version, and fingers crossed, a PC version sooner rather than later? FS can't dazzle us with table titles anymore, so even physics and sound adjustments, while subtle, keep me excited.

So again I ask, what would spike the momentum for you?

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I am excited too if we get what you say we get. But i am not sure about that they will come, plus they wont get hyped.

But ok, how can we get the momentum back?

I think indy 93 can be that one to look out for. Taf and lotr not within reach yet.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Since you informed me indy is no chance due to disney, i have to change the momentumgrapper.

I know for me it can be leathel weapon 3. But for the masses, no sure that one works. Let me think about it.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Here's the deal with Disney...they want a big chunk of each sale because they believe that their name is moving the product. Lucasfilm felt the same way with Star Wars. There were companies willing to lose money by having Star Wars branding because it would raise the value of their name on other products. Indiana Jones does not have the same cache as Disney or Star Wars, but is has absolute brand awareness.

So part of dealing with Disney would involve a guarantee of x amount of sales, and FarSight isn't gonna move that many virtual tables. Think about Star Wars being paired with Angry Birds. It's not just in the game, but in board games, stuffed animals, bed sheets, all that stuff. That's how Disney likes to play. FarSight has one of 2 options then; either convince Disney to play nice with a little company that is not really looking to profit off of Indy Jones so much as to preserve a bit of history, or option 2, FS needs to brand the hell out of the Indy Jones table and churn out a bunch of other merchandise to make enough profit for Disney to actually care about.

You know how John Carter tanked at the box office, costing Disney north of 400 million after production and marketing costs? They barely batted an eye. The film division of Disney accounts for about 7% of their annual profit. The majority of their money comes from theme parks and merchandising. I'm afraid FS doesn't have much to offer. I thought they had a chance with Lucasfilm, as they'd help out boutiques now and then. Now if WMS, who makes slot machines almost exclusively now,had any plans to do an Indiana Jones slot, maybe FS could piggyback? Or if Stern somehow got involved once more somehow, maybe they're table could get tied in?

Lotta ifs and I doubt FS will be able to make it happen on their own.

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