Anyone else finding PHOF:Williams Collection really hard to play after playing TPA?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
So I decided to fire up the ol' Williams Collection for some No Good Gofers and Medieval Madness...and discovered I can hardly play them anymore. Ball acts like it's filled with helium, I'm flipping way too early (as in, I'm flipping when the TPA ball would get there), and I could make coffee in the time it takes a weak ramp shot to fall back to the flippers. Tried FunHouse and Whirlwind next, it was a little better, but I was still way off my average scores. Don't even ask about TotAN...

I think I'm starting to have new appreciation for the eventual re-releases of most of these tables with TPA physics! Anyone else finding themselves totally off their PHOF:WC game after playing TPA, or am I just old and unadaptive to sudden changes in pinball gravity?


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I tried playing Zen after a 3-4 hour TPA session and it felt horrible, the ball felt way to heavy like it was made out of lead. Couldn't even get the ball up the ramps..

I quickly went back to TPA and played some more!... :cool:

I imagine the Williams Collection ball feels different also after playing TPA..


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
So I decided to fire up the ol' Williams Collection for some No Good Gofers and Medieval Madness...and discovered I can hardly play them anymore. Ball acts like it's filled with helium, I'm flipping way too early (as in, I'm flipping when the TPA ball would get there), and I could make coffee in the time it takes a weak ramp shot to fall back to the flippers. Tried FunHouse and Whirlwind next, it was a little better, but I was still way off my average scores. Don't even ask about TotAN...

I think I'm starting to have new appreciation for the eventual re-releases of most of these tables with TPA physics! Anyone else finding themselves totally off their PHOF:WC game after playing TPA, or am I just old and unadaptive to sudden changes in pinball gravity?

Don't even get me started on the comparisons and if anyone doesn't think it's worth it to rebuy all the tables from the PHOF Collections...they're out of their mind. :D


New member
Feb 24, 2012
The ball seems to have more weight (ps3) compared to the iOS version. Taking me a bit to get the timing of the shots. Really incredible game. Looks beautiful in 1080p.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Nah, I can still enjoy the game just fine; however, this game will be obsolete to play if all the tables (except Jive Time) are in The Pinball Arcade. I can even play Pro Pinball while enjoying Pinball Fantasies.


New member
Apr 5, 2012
Stick to older tables in PHOF. They did a great job on those and if you go play something like Pin*Bot for real, you'll see how well done it was. MM and the new additions have the wrong physics, but don't toss out the entire collection just because the newer tables play too slowly.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
There is a world of difference. I'll be re-buying the whole collection (except for Jive Time, which probably won't even be made). Still, I'd rather see some newer, more modern tables, before they re-release the PHOF collection.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I didn't really notice much difference in physics when I went back to Williams Pinball Classics (as it was called in my country when finally released last year). This may be blasphemy, but I can never really tell the difference in physics between different pinball videogames.

What I did notice is the graphics -- flatter, brighter, less photo-realistic. Also how utterly annoying it was to have to set your camera angle during the first ball every single time you load up a table (which often made me drain my first ball while messing around with locked/non-locked views). TPA still forgets your chosen camera :rolleyes: but at least there are less angles to choose and you can set them whilst on plunger cam.

Also I think the balls seemed bigger in the Williams collection -- perhaps that's just because they are less shiny. I have to admit that the shiny balls in TPA looks a bit smaller than they should to my eye.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I didn't really notice much difference in physics when I went back to Williams Pinball Classics (as it was called in my country when finally released last year). This may be blasphemy, but I can never really tell the difference in physics between different pinball videogames.

Basically the only reason I ended up buying a PS3 (well, the main one) was so I could import the multi-region PS3 copy of Williams. 360 was locked and it took until last year to come out in PAL-land.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm in the UK. I'd heard about the Gottlieb and Williams HOF collections for several years but they had not been released -- at least not on my console, the Xbox 360. Finally last year the Williams collection was released as Williams Pinball Classics. Even then it was quite a rare release, and you'll never find a copy on shop shelves today.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
The ball is bigger, slower, and heavier. It seems to behave more erratically, too. The graphics are also not as detailed, and, although there are more angles, the ones in TPA are more useful.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Just sold it for 30 bucks. Posted about it on Facebook a couple days ago. After TPA there's no going back =).


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I'll occasionally bust out WPHoF on 360, but when it comes to pinball on the 360 I've played nothing but Pinball FX2 for a while now.

Arabian Knights seema like two different tables, between 360 and the PA version. I'm finding it very hard to play skillfully on my 4.5" Android device.

I'm a little hesitant at the moment to get PA on the 360 because I already have Zen, as well as the WPHoF. However I'd love to play some of these tables on a big HD screen, so I can see myself breaking down at some point.

Gottleib PHoF, on the other hand, is atrocious.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Wow I didn't know that this was released in europe last year for the 360.

Damn, I really wanted this game 2-3 years ago, but there was no way to play it on a PAL 360.
But now with TPA releasing the same tables in better quality (I guess all of them will be released in a year) I don't think it's wise to buy it anymore.

But I'm tempted, maybe if I find it really cheap on ebay...

Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The thing I really miss from PHOF:Williams Collection is the reflection of the back glass on the playfield (they did such a good job with that).

TPA blows it away though, I tried playing TOTAN on PHOFWC and multiball just slowed the whole game so much. Medieval Madness did the same thing maybe even worse. It would be real cool if any of the original developers could chime in on how many FPS second we were getting on those games in multiball.
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