Anyone figure out how to extract and replace images into the .REZ files yet?


New member
Jul 16, 2012
Ive tried every rez editing program under the sun and cannot get into these files. Has anyone had any luck getting inside these yet? For example Dragon UnPAcker gives me the error "file format not recognized". I suspect these are not rez files at all and only named that to confuse and mislead us from cracking them open. All i want to do is get the images out, mess with them, and put them back in. I am not trying to do any weird pirate stuff I bought and own every season pack and all I want is to modify graphics for my own fun & enjoyment.

Tom Devaney

FarSight Employee
Dec 13, 2017
Rez is our own custom file format. There might be other Rez files out there, but they aren't formatted the same as ours. File extensions are basically arbitrary. It's highly unlikely there are programs out there that can open our Rez file as the process of creating and opening rez's is pretty complicated. The main reason for having this rez format isn't for safety but for compression. Safety might be reason #2.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Would Farsight mind/request to stop working on it, if someone were to create a tool that could be used to interact with PBA REZ files? Obviously not for piracy or ripping assets and similar things (maybe even take stepts to prevent any malicious use), just modding the game for example? Just a theoretical question.

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