Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

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New member
May 18, 2012
I have been supporting Apple for more than 17 years and I don't see a reason to switch to Android just because there is a tiny teeny weenie issue. I have an Android phone and this system is not perfect either. Let's not discus about Apple's arrogance, start worrying about all your privacy that Android's developer Google is collecting behind the scenes. Do not forget that our mobile experience would look a lot more prehistoric if it was not Apple who changes this market completely. Apple is simply protecting it's customers with certain rules, and if developers don't follow this rules then we have to wait a week longer for our product, so what. See it this way, the longer we have to wait for BR, the shorter the wait for next month's table.
Dec 7, 2013
Ios7 is such a let down to me. Friend still has 6 as he was smart enough not to upgrade. 7 doesn't even look or feel like Apple anymore. It just reminds me of *insert random android device here* and definitely lost what makes Apple special.

The magic is gone. Not surprising without Jobs I simply do not believe Apple will ever be the same.

Also I would be keeping my 4S however ios7 is slow on it. Whereas 6 ran butter smooth. That in and of itself is underhanded, they knew full well what they were doing in order to entice new phone sales.

With that said, I still can't find an Android phone that runs pinball arcade at 60fps without stutter or slowdown, otherwise I'd switch.

Feel like ios6 was this golden age where I was so happy with my phone my life was perfect lol. Is there any way, ANY Way to go back to 6 I wonder? Would make me so happy.....

Also BR is out tomorrow guys so be happy :). I recently had a friend pass and I'm trying to keep my head up. Been listening to lots of NOFX in his honor, was his favorite band.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
ios7 is what haooens when you let artisits and designers control the devlopment process, while a true os should never be seen yould like to think the dev team would actually have a say in the ui,

also sorry to hear about your friend


New member
May 18, 2012
Ios7 is such a let down to me. Friend still has 6 as he was smart enough not to upgrade. 7 doesn't even look or feel like Apple anymore. It just reminds me of *insert random android device here* and definitely lost what makes Apple special.

The magic is gone. Not surprising without Jobs I simply do not believe Apple will ever be the same.

Also I would be keeping my 4S however ios7 is slow on it. Whereas 6 ran butter smooth. That in and of itself is underhanded, they knew full well what they were doing in order to entice new phone sales.

With that said, I still can't find an Android phone that runs pinball arcade at 60fps without stutter or slowdown, otherwise I'd switch.

Feel like ios6 was this golden age where I was so happy with my phone my life was perfect lol. Is there any way, ANY Way to go back to 6 I wonder? Would make me so happy.....

Also BR is out tomorrow guys so be happy :). I recently had a friend pass and I'm trying to keep my head up. Been listening to lots of NOFX in his honor, was his favorite band.

MegaDrive, I hear you. iOS7 is not what we all hoped for. But if this means the end of the 'golden age' for Apple.. I bought my first PowerMac somewhere halfway the 90's, Apple was almost broke in that period. I even remember they gave other companies license to build Apple clones that would run their system. And look where they are now. Everything comes in waves, and people always expect to become overwhelmed by new features and technological miracles. But the fact is that the mobile market has come to and end of it's evolution. What could we possibly wish for to do more with our mobile devices than what we are doing now? Perhaps a bit faster, perhaps a better screen, a bit of this or that, but the differences with each upgrade are marginal. Ten years ago sending a text message was pretty advanced, now we can take video's, photographs, surf the web, chat with folks all over the globe, hell we can even play pinball on our mobiles! Last week I found my old 13 year old Nokia 3310. Compare this operating system to iOS7 and it put things back into perspective. :)


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I can wait for Black Rose; I'm hoping I don't need to get a refund or pay for individual tables again. I can understand Apple not wanting to encourage fraud, but this seems excessive. Surely they just need more developer community managers to keep on top of this stuff rather than banning it?


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I give up.

Seriously... what is "driveway cheese"?

I've tried to look it up myself. the only possible explanation i can think of for my failure to locate the origin is that it's a "non meme", the point of which is to drive people crazy looking for a non-existent explanation.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I give up.

Seriously... what is "driveway cheese"?

I've tried to look it up myself. the only possible explanation i can think of for my failure to locate the origin is that it's a "non meme", the point of which is to drive people crazy looking for a non-existent explanation.
I can assure you that the "driveway cheese" is not an attempt to screw with your least, not deliberately.

It really does have a perfectly innocent (fnord!) origin and explanation, even if it has taken on a bit more of a life of its own than its originator expected.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I give up.

Seriously... what is "driveway cheese"?

I've tried to look it up myself. the only possible explanation i can think of for my failure to locate the origin is that it's a "non meme", the point of which is to drive people crazy looking for a non-existent explanation.

I'm not telling how it got onto this site or why. Those that know, know, and it's for those that don't to discover on their own. But I do have a few stickers I'll give away at some point! They were given to me by a friend who is the originator of said phrase.



Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Driveway Cheese - This is more fun then listening to people act like its the end of the world because they aren't getting what they want right now.

Tori Gangle

New member
Apr 20, 2013
Here's how this REALLY works....,,,,, CUSTOMERS need to put a lot of PRESSURE on APPLE to come up with a solution. That means requesting a refund from Apple, even though you don't really want one. Apple is feeling the heat right now. I'll start posting some of my escalated emails I've had with them over this soon, to demonstrate this. The more of us that put the heat on Apple to deliver on our subscription that we PAID for - the better. There will be pressure in the right places to resolve this issue quickly and sanely in this manner and this manner only. The customer needs to be involved - Farsight needs backup.


New member
Jun 4, 2013
Here's how this REALLY works....,,,,, CUSTOMERS need to put a lot of PRESSURE on APPLE to come up with a solution. That means requesting a refund from Apple, even though you don't really want one. Apple is feeling the heat right now. I'll start posting some of my escalated emails I've had with them over this soon, to demonstrate this. The more of us that put the heat on Apple to deliver on our subscription that we PAID for - the better. There will be pressure in the right places to resolve this issue quickly and sanely in this manner and this manner only. The customer needs to be involved - Farsight needs backup.

Which email address did you use? I tried looking on support several days ago and couldn't find a link. On a related note I emailed Farsight just to see what their response would be and haven't heard anything back good or bad which I find a bit troublesome.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Here's how this REALLY works....,,,,, CUSTOMERS need to put a lot of PRESSURE on APPLE to come up with a solution. That means requesting a refund from Apple, even though you don't really want one. Apple is feeling the heat right now. I'll start posting some of my escalated emails I've had with them over this soon, to demonstrate this. The more of us that put the heat on Apple to deliver on our subscription that we PAID for - the better. There will be pressure in the right places to resolve this issue quickly and sanely in this manner and this manner only. The customer needs to be involved - Farsight needs backup.

Dirty pool...I LIKE IT!

Tori Gangle

New member
Apr 20, 2013
Here's Some Clairification

Which email address did you use? I tried looking on support several days ago and couldn't find a link. On a related note I emailed Farsight just to see what their response would be and haven't heard anything back good or bad which I find a bit troublesome.

Farsight is not responding, even though Apple is redirecting refund requests to Farsight, at first when Apple receives a complaint. Forget that, you gave your money to Apple, keep taking it up with Apple. Farsight and Apple need to work out their issues on their own and not involve the customer... Fair enough. Farsight should respond, but is probably under a 'gag' order from Apple not to do so.

You need to pull up your receipt (in an email) for your purchase of Season 3 and click on 'Report a Problem'. Tell Apple in the message that you want a refund and take it from there. You will have many emails back and forth with them... Ask for an escalation to a Manager... Then the real conversation with Apple begins about how you feel about their handling of this matter... Tell Apple you will join a class action lawsuit to regain your paid money that they are holding back - there is one is the works.


New member
May 18, 2012
Yeah let's send Apple an email, here is mine: "Dear Apple, please hurry up because I want to play pinball."
That will put the pressure on.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
class action suits yay

jesus if most of you had an actually problem youd be talking in toungues
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