Are console exclusive tables viable?

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
There are some tables that can only appear on certain platforms, such as Super Mario Bros. and AC/DC (Sony owns the rights to the music). Is it, or might it one day be, viable for them to release such tables on exclusive platforms?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I don't think that would stop AC/DC ... Stuff like games based off Spiderman and ghostbusters hit other consoles when Sony made those films. Sony computers run windows...
The different parts of the company seem to function on their own and do what is best for that division.
Also Rock band AC/DC was on 360


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Richard. B I'm sure that you would rather have FarSight answer this personally , but they really tend to pick the topics they answer on something that has a simple direct answer. AC/DC Pinball is a expensive license , it's not that Sony wants it for PS3 or Sony consoles in general , it's just a license for a IP , a very popular music group commands big royalties . These guys in music industry hire lawyers whose job it is to get big money for contracts , the amount they want to re-license the Pinball table you want is non cost productive , FarSight does not have finances for going after every table , and only the ones with a chance to garner enough support get the Kickstarters . Even if Sony was able to hash a deal with F.S. studios to exclusive a Pinball DLC table based on a music group they own, Microsoft has strict policies they use to prevent games that offer DLC on competitor consoles from being offered in their store . If FarSight struck that deal with Sony , the 360 community would suddenly be cut off from the Pinball Arcade (from what I heard while working at a Gamestore chain last year) . So even if it was a matter of convincing Sony , which is not the issue , it's high cost is , they have other agreements that they have to honor in regards to DLC .


New member
Jun 14, 2012
Ignoring the AC/DC side, I've brought up the Mario Bros ones in the past. It might not be worth it for FS to go after it right now but it would be cool if they can strike a deal with nintendo to do the tables based on their properties in the future. Even if it means Wii-U exclusive tables. I'm also sure the nintendo fanbase would eat them up and might bring a few more people into the world of PA.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
No reason for AC/DC to be exclusive. There's plenty of Sony-owned music in games across all platforms. Sony is a big multimedia company, and if they blocked out anything they owned from other platforms, a large chunk of the Rock Band library wouldn't be on 360.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Ignoring the AC/DC side, I've brought up the Mario Bros ones in the past. It might not be worth it for FS to go after it right now but it would be cool if they can strike a deal with nintendo to do the tables based on their properties in the future. Even if it means Wii-U exclusive tables. I'm also sure the nintendo fanbase would eat them up and might bring a few more people into the world of PA.

To be honest, both of the Mario tables really aren't that great (even though I love pinball and I'm a huge Mario Bros. fan).
Not to say they shouldn't be preserved someday, but with so many amazing tables ahead of those two, I just don't think it's worth the effort.

AC/DC on the other hand,even though it's probably not possible, is a really fun game, and I'm not at all a fan of their music either.
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New member
Jun 20, 2012
Ignoring the AC/DC side, I've brought up the Mario Bros ones in the past. It might not be worth it for FS to go after it right now but it would be cool if they can strike a deal with nintendo to do the tables based on their properties in the future. Even if it means Wii-U exclusive tables. I'm also sure the nintendo fanbase would eat them up and might bring a few more people into the world of PA.

Again the days of console exclusive DLC are past . Microsoft has anti-DLC monopoly clauses that keep any deals like this from happening , read what Im telling you . All DLC has to be available to Xbox 360 or they will stop selling that game on MS marketplace that has exclusive DLC . So it's not going to happen .
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New member
Sep 14, 2012
Are you sure? I heard the PlayStation Assassins Creed 3 had some exclusive DLC coming. I know it would be a bit harder to push Ubi around than FarSight but I think it is still doable on some occasions.

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