Artist needed - podcast icon


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Well as some of you may or may not know tpaf now has its community podcast titled the barcade. With the latest cast we are trying out an rss feed which woukd look much better with a nice icon. Any of our resident (very anal) artists want to give it a go? the only compentsation will be the gratitude of the guys running it and the communtiy, also a shout out for the work and a link to a url of your work if you have a site.

syt has suggested a shot glass with 3 balls in it framed by two flippers.

this can be done in any style you want (go 8 or 16bit!) or if your guys have a better idea please suggest or show it.

the size is a maxium of 1400x1400

any help would be greatly appericated

you ****s!

well i couldnt be sensible could i?
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Actually the only stipulation is it has to look good in a 1400 x 1400 size, and include the name 'TPA Fans Barcade'

So if you did a cool image, or cool text, a combo of both, it needs to fit that size. Simple, graphic, eye catching. I'm trying to work on something myself, but my imagination is way better than my woeful photoshop/illustrator skills. And yes, you'd have our utmost gratitude!

Oh, and I'd advise not copy and pasting FarSight logos for TPA, as we don't have permission.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Actually the only stipulation is it has to look good in a 1400 x 1400 size, and include the name 'TPA Fans Barcade'

So if you did a cool image, or cool text, a combo of both, it needs to fit that size. Simple, graphic, eye catching. I'm trying to work on something myself, but my imagination is way better than my woeful photoshop/illustrator skills. And yes, you'd have our utmost gratitude!

Oh, and I'd advise not copy and pasting FarSight logos for TPA, as we don't have permission.

For the record, the logo I originally used came from the pinball Arcade Fans Google plus page (of which Ryan, Jeff, frostyglitch, and I are admins of) . Ryan shares monthly ball logos from the Android release there.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
For the record, the logo I originally used came from the pinball Arcade Fans Google plus page (of which Ryan, Jeff, frostyglitch, and I are admins of) . Ryan shares monthly ball logos from the Android release there.

Yeah well, I'm putting you on notice Jared!


New member
Sep 8, 2012
What about a picture of the microphone insert from the Monster Bash playfield as the background for the icon?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I can't wait until we get our cease and desist letter from AC/DC's lawyers over using 'Big Balls' as our theme music.

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