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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Matt - Any chance you can check out the F-I-R-E inlane lights on the ios version of AC/DC? Very hard to tell what is, and what isn't lit. I know you guys are busy trying to get new tables out, but I was hoping you could add this to your list of items to check, when you have some down time.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Yep, those are the ones (F I R E). Here’s a pic below. Two lanes are lit. Can you tel which ones? I can’t when playing. For those playing at home answer is at the bottom.


F and R are lit.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Hi Matt,

I created a 3D model of my Gottlieb Soccer playfield in 3DS Max and was curious what you thought about it. I disassembled the playfield and took a picture of it to create the playfield texture, touched it up in photoshop, and then modeled the other components to populate the playfield.

I learned a lot about modeling and texturing techniques while working on this. If I were to do this again, I would definitely work some of the steps differently. Overall I am happy with this first attempt.

All feedback is welcome. :)


FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
Hi Matt,

I created a 3D model of my Gottlieb Soccer playfield in 3DS Max and was curious what you thought about it. I disassembled the playfield and took a picture of it to create the playfield texture, touched it up in photoshop, and then modeled the other components to populate the playfield.

I learned a lot about modeling and texturing techniques while working on this. If I were to do this again, I would definitely work some of the steps differently. Overall I am happy with this first attempt.

All feedback is welcome. :)

The main thing I noticed were your rounded shapes have too few spans.

You need to double/triple/quadruple the amount of horizontal spans on these types of shapes. Look at your rounded shapes as close as you plan on having your consumer see them and increase the spans until the edges are imperceptible.

Don't shoot for 19k polys; that's far too low. GPUs today don't have problems rendering many polygons. Shoot for 80k or higher.

What camera did you use and what resolution did you end up making your playfield texture? It's very grainy and lacks a lot of detail. If you're using Photoshop you can use the Reduce Noise Filter to knock some of that out, but it will make the lines jagged and reduce detail more. Strength: 10, Preserve Details 10%-30%, Reduce Color Noise: 10%, Sharpen Details 0%, Never Remove JPEG Artifact. I like using 30% Preserve and if I need more I run the filter again.

Our playfields are usually 4096x2048 (2 2048x2048 textures top and bottom).

Add holes in the playfield with wood textured sides, in photoshop; remove the parts of the table you couldn't physically remove, add rubber/wood/metallic textures to parts that need them. Learn how to bake shading for these parts (I use Maya, not sure how you would do that in 3DS Max)

Understand texel density, UV Space ratios/Texture resolutions. Watch this video, it's for Maya, but the concepts are universal


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Thank you for your feedback.

I can definitely round off the objects, I was being too conservative with the poly count. I was actually afraid that 19k polys would be too many which was why I was hesitant to round off those rubber bands, rails, and other objects. I'm glad to know that I shouldn't hesitate to shoot for the higher poly counts (80k or more) as you suggested.

I used a point and shoot camera for the playfield texture (Panasonic DMC-ZS3). The playfield resolution came out to 2232x3968. I just tested the reduce noise filter with your recomended settings and it helped quite a bit. I will still need to retake the picture, because the text, lines, and other fine details on the playfield should be clearer than it is currently appearing. I will dig deeper in the camera's exposure settings to try to reduce the noise and capture the playfield's details better.

About your playfield texture resolution, do you take one picture of the entire playfield and split it into two textures? Or do you take two seperate pictures (top and bottom)?

I can add the holes with the sides, and remove the parts in photoshop that couldn't be physically removed from the table. I'll look into the bake shading.

The texel density video was very helpful, thanks for sharing.

Again, thank you for your input, I really appreciate it.


FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
We take one picture with a 18MP camera. Then while cleaning up if there's any glare spots or other issues I'll take a handheld shot and composite it in.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Future Pinball was using 200k+ polygons (strictly triangles) 10 years ago on an average modern style table at the highest quality settings... but obviously polycount isn't everything.


FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
Future Pinball was using 200k+ polygons (strictly triangles) 10 years ago on an average modern style table at the highest quality settings... but obviously polycount isn't everything.

Big Buck is around 200k at max, 50k for mobile... it ain't easy to go from 200k to 50k lemme tell ya.

But the simplicity of the table you're making you shouldn't need more than 80k
Last edited:


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Big Buck is around 200k at max, 50k for mobile... it ain't easy to go from 200k to 50k lemme tell ya.

But the simplicity of the table you're making you shouldn't need more than 80k
Wow a quarter of the polys. It's a wonder the table doesn't look square.

I need to take a look at this on Steam...


Aug 8, 2018
Going from the last twitch stream, still no announcements and no stream for next 2 weeks because of annual holiday of the chap that does them (going to Hawaii).

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