Ask Questions of Bobby King and FarSight for July BlahCade Podcast!

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New member
Sep 22, 2013
Ask him about the chances of getting a kickstarter for Simpsons Pinball Party
for Season 5 or any upcoming kickstarter for any other big licence table


My bet is this will be sort of announced during the podcast. BK said he'd do another podcast when there was something to announce, if I remember correctly. Perhaps he's going to announce some upcoming changes/improvements to TPA as well.

I'd like to know if mid range licenses are being pursued a little more heavily since most of the really highly requested non-licensed tables have been done? Have they noticed significantly higher table sales with licensed tables?

Also, Comet and Hurricane need to be made to complete the carnival trilogy. Just sayin.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Ask him about the chances of getting a kickstarter for Simpsons Pinball Party
for Season 5 or any upcoming kickstarter for any other big licence table


Maybe specifically the very in-demand Indiana Jones '93 and Lord of the Rings?


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Simply, is there gonna be a season 5 on PS3 ?

I would agree with this. Is there going to be a season 6 might be more pertinent, though.

Are there plans to end, or limit, support for older devices and OS's which are holding back graphics, lighting, and performance capabilities currently in TPA? Storage shouldn't be such an issue as well.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
My bet is this will be sort of announced during the podcast. BK said he'd do another podcast when there was something to announce, if I remember correctly. Perhaps he's going to announce some upcoming changes/improvements to TPA as well.

Yeah, I don't think there will be any actual announcements in this format of question and answer. It's an opportunity for FarSight to respond to what's on your guys' minds. However, we will get to talk directly to him in August and I suspect that if there are announcements to be made, they will be made at that time.

Remember, these are questions that can be asked of anyone at FarSight. I would love some really outside the box inquiries.


Mar 25, 2013
Are there any plans to drop support for older mobile devices (anything running iOS 6 or older, and anything older than Android ICS/Jellybean) which may finally allow SAM emulation to go into TPA?

That would be my primary question too.

My thinking is stopping support for new tables in "older" devices at the start of an upcoming season. Then get a SAM table or two in. Technology moves on.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
That would be my primary question too.

My thinking is stopping support for new tables in "older" devices at the start of an upcoming season. Then get a SAM table or two in. Technology moves on.

Big +1


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Do you ever plan on getting the most successful table in the world, The Addams Family, into TPA? It's my favorite table ever and TPA just wouldn't be complete without it. Mega dittos to you and I'll take my answer off the air.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
You mentioned at one point doing one EM per season to satisfy the old school cry babies like myself. Has that idea been trashed?

Or maybe ask them if they would consider throwing in a free EM per season for Season Pro passholders. That way the DMD loving cry babies won't.... cry.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
What do you think of the 3rd party TPA camera mod built by NoEx? This has made an incredible difference to the playability and enjoyment of TPA. Would you consider implementing something similar into TPA to allow bespoke camera angles to be saved on a per table basis?


New member
Jan 26, 2014
What are the management plans for cab support (since technically it's almost done)?
What are the season 1+2 overhaul plans?
Out of the box....hmm.
Do they play other pinball games in the office? VP, fx2, ask


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
At the end of a game on some tables the locked balls are released, and before you know it the score pops up before the balls even get to drain, and a restart resets the table. Would it be possible to leave the table in the last state it was played, letting the balls drain fully, with no popups and a restart continue with the table in the same state?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
For tables you will never build such as EMs would you consider getting another developer such as Ask build them on your behalf. Maybe some kind of sub-licencing deal, as it is a shame to lock up 100s of licences you know you will never have the resources to build.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
What are the season 1+2 overhaul plans? (...)

Any plans to redo the textures with the new camera?
Also, DX11 lighting look better on newer tables. Many of the older ones look "dull" in some way.
And do they plan to redo the ramps on CTBL?
... oh and some tables still don't have an animated DMD on the backglass ...
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