ATTN Farsight: Please fix the UI scaling issues on iOS.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
On iOS the older games have very tiny score displays. This is annoying, but it doesn't affect gameplay.

What DOES affect gameplay is the super-tiny "special" buttons. Games with magna-saves and similar buttons are gimped by this. Starship Troopers is straight-up nigh-unplayable. You can't hit that flipper button easily or consistently.

I was understanding and patient when the new UI launched, bugs are to be expected. But it has been a few months now and this still isn't fixed. Your game isn't cheap and we all payed the same $5 for these tables. Please respect your customers and correct this issue as soon as possible.

Now, understand that this is just one of many, MANY issues and bugs with new UI on iOS. I believe we are reaching the point where it is not okay to leave so many things unfixed, especially with no communication regarding these issues from Farsight's end. And I know that there are issues on every platform, when is Farsight going to stop spreading itself so thin and start polishing the game that many of us have invested hundreds of dollars in?

And by the way, Stern Pinball Arcade for GearVR hasn't received a single update since launch. The tables we bought are still broken. Unacceptable.

I don't use Twitter or Facebook. For those of you that do, considering making your voices heard on a regular basis.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
Please also fix the season six Kickstarter entitlements, I still have no Big Hurt, and now no TAFG or I500.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
Also, when my iPad went to sleep while i had the game on pause it reset the app in the middle of my best Earthshaker game to-date.


Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
You are wasting your time. Once Farsight has your money they dont give two s#!ts about your concerns. Look at the xbox, ps2 and ps3 people who have paid for seasons but are still missing games. Look at the ridiculously buggy tables from the first 3 seasons that never get fixed. Look at this terrible new interface and how it is entirely designed around milking more money out of their long term customers. Look at the disgusting money grab of a kickstarter for Stern pinball when they already had the money from their investors. Farsight has zero ethics anymore and zero concern for customers just getting more money out of them.

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