Baby Pac-Man: would TPA ever do it?


New member
Dec 18, 2012
I know some of you think this is an abomination, but it is a first.
Would TPA ever take a crack at this?
Video game Pac-man with pinball.

Would there be licensing issues here? Would there be any interest?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
There would definitely be licensing. Namco would probably have to license the rights to the Pac-characters even though they had zero to do with the game. Plus they still have lots of bad feeling towards the way Midway treated the original licensing deal (which was the reason Ms. Pac Man, Jr. Pac Man, the pinball games and others even came to be). They basically sued the pants off of Midway and nearly bankrupted them. Not to mention they now have the rights to games like Ms. Pac Man that they did not create. I would say it would depend on the attitude of current Namco leadership if they wanted to play ball.

Then the issue becomes if they could emulate all the table aspects. The pinball portion and the video portion should not be a problem. Getting them to work together and how it is presented may add a bit of trickiness.


Why not granny and the gators? I'm sure the Toobin' side license aspect for the video game tie in wouldn't be expensive.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
This thing is crappy. It has a terrible pinball table, and a terrible game of Pac-Man. Not only are the graphics and sounds far worse, the ghost behavior, such as each goes having its own A.I., restrictions on turning and the requirement that they have to "see" you to know where you are goes out the window. The ghosts now know exactly where you are, and all head right for you. Definitely more challenging than the original, but not as fun.
Anyone who likes this game would be better off buying a real machine. It's one of the least popular (and therefore least expensive) SS-era machines.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
There was an arcade near me once that had Baby Pac Man. They had Orbiter 1 too. These two "pins" had one thing in common. They were a curiosity and worth popping 50 cents in for a play. Nothing more. Now, I love Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man but Baby Pac Man never interested me for more than a couple minutes. Plus the cabinet was really short and you had to bend over to play it.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I remember playing it when I was young and getting the video game portion. After just a short time I was like "Man, this does NOT play like regular pac-man" and the pinball aspect left much to be desired. A very interesting novelty/curiosity but that's about it.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Baby Pac Meh. I played it a couple of times, not so great. You start in the Pac Man mode and immediately want to get out of there to the pinball part. Then when you get to pinball you realize you'd rather be playing a better pinball table.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I figured out a cheat on this game. If you catch the ball, you can just spam the other flipper. Each time you flip, you would earn points. Not fun to play that way, but then again, it's not fun to play the right way either. Btw, after about 15 minutes, the solenoid died.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
i tried a few plays back in the day the pinball part left much to be desired and i never really cared for video games i was just a big pinhead.

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