Bug Ball rides "step ramp ghost rail" from gangway shot


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I've seen this a few times and meant to report it... sometimes when you hit the gangway from the left, instead of it coming down to the jet bumpers on the right, it actually follows the path of the rail from the steps ramp (passing through every physical object on the way). Then it bonks off the left side of the playfield below the upper flipper, then usually (just for our ADDED amusement) heads directly down the right outlane.

This has happened on Vita, I can confirm.


New member
Oct 9, 2012
(Sorry for my bad English)

I have seen this on PS3 EU too a couple of time.

I don't know if it's a instant drain, but as i look at the ball without understand her move, i'm a little reflexless and get drained anyway. :p


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I've wondered if what actually happens is the ball somehow finds its way onto the cellar ramp. But I don't think so. It always takes me by surprise and happens so fast.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
haha yes i have seen this. i love those random "wtf" moments, like when a ball hits rudy's lip and flies off into outer space, or when a ball goes up the damsel ramp in MM, does some kind of crazy u-turn and comes back down the same ramp at Mach 5. i've noticed some crazy impossible trajectories with the Warp shot on TNG, especially at high speeds, as well. unfortunately, a lot of these crazy paths also seem to trigger a secret rare earth magnet in the drain area, because that's where the ball seems drawn to :(


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I'm actually pretty convinced now, after carefully observing this, that the ball actually travels backwards through the trap door lane. It still should not happen, but I'm not sure this qualifies as a true bug.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
not a bug. it CAN HAPPEN in real life, if the orbit shot is just the right strength, when the flippers are weak, like they are in this emulated table. I've played real funhouse machines with flippers this strength, and yes, it happens on them too. i've also played ones with much stronger flippers, and it won't happen often on them.

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