Bug Banzai Run


Feb 15, 2018
Thank you. I tested that but no difference. What I realized is that if I start BR from TPA v1.28 (PSN downloadable version) then no camera error occures.
If I start TPA Season 2 disc that version is TPA v1.18 the camera error occures always no matter whether Event Camera is on or off.

I tried the same process in both version.

TPA v1.18 - camera error : https://youtu.be/tB4XDRHUXms
TPA v1.28 - no camera error : https://youtu.be/0XR8pEg3APg

I wonder if there are different BR versions run or the error is not in BR table but in TPA itself.

I will make a 3rd test and play BR using Season 1 disc that is TPA v1.23


Feb 15, 2018
The same error with Season 1 disc (v1.23)

+ TILT bug. TILT remains on during next ball. You can play if you can live with big TILT covering half of the playfield, but ball will go through half of the flipper.



Feb 15, 2018
It's probably because of the version update then.

Tom said that disc version number could be different but the upgrade is the same as digital version.


That is true that all three TPA upgrade at the same time always.

Last time it was 2 weeks ago.
1.27 -> 1.28 (digital TPA)
1.22 -> 1.23 (S1 disc)
1.17 -> 1.18 (S2 disc)

But something must be different either in TPA application or BR table.
S1 and S2 can be the same because of the same errors (camera, scoop, tilt)
digital version also has the scoop issue (2 balls in a scoop at the same time) but no camera or tilt error

I wonder if it is worth reporting issues if no reponse from Farsight and nothing happens. Not a slight promise to investigate the problem.

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