Batman (Data East) and Data East tables in general ever likely??


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Will we likely ever see Batman from Data East in TPA without the need of a kickstarter (which it would most likely never reach its target)?, i absolutely love Batman and i know its not very popular at all but there's just something about it and has a rocking sound track to it. But its a typical Data East table which is 90% of them all being film licenses and because of this are we likely ever to see any Data East tables in TPA without the need for a kickstarter to back it as Data East table are almost all heavily licensed tables??

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm not sure. Some would probably need kickstarter, but it's interesting that Farsight commented both on TMNT and Robocop recently on Facebook. I forgot the exact comments, but, if I remember correctly, they showed interest in TMNT and said that Robocop may or may not be possible.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Tales from the Crypt would be the only DE table I'd be interested in. No idea if its license would be obtainable or not, but it sounds easier than most of their other tables.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Robocop really?, that has to be one of the least inspiring Data East table ever!!!

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Robocop really?, that has to be one of the least inspiring Data East table ever!!!

I was shocked by the comment as well. I wasn't expecting to see Farsight reply to posts on Robocop or TMNT, but they did. I actually wouldn't mind TMNT myself. It's not the best table out there, but it isn't a bad one either.


Jul 11, 2012
The first SIMPSONS table and The Phantom of the Opera would be sweet, but all this liscence cash grabbing sucks! Fine be broke and irrelevant.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Data East became Sega Pinball which then became Stern. So, technically, wouldn't a Stern license allow them to do Data East tables, since technically Stern owns them?

Then again if that's true, Williams owns the rights to Capcom tables like Big Bang Bar. Could you imagine Big Bang Bar on TPA :0

There's just so many unlicensed tables I'd like to see. Catus Canyon, Whirlwind, Diner, Fish Tales, Red and Tedd, White Water, Xenon, Getaway, High Speed, F14 Tomcat, Roller Games, Attack from Mars, Swords of Fury.... that's just off the top of my head. Turtles 89 and Batman 89 not only are expensive licenses but just so, dated I'm sorry to say. Not interested.
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New member
Jul 30, 2012
Why not go for BOTH Simpsons ( Data East & Stern ) tables if FS would get the license? That would please me.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I would love to see Jurassic Park. That was Data East wasn't it? Haven't played it in ages and would love to see that again. Cool theme and fun.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Batman ranks 297th on pbdb. Turtles is 265 or so, and Robocop is 300th. Jurassic park is not listed. So I doubt any of these are a priority for farsight. Then again that didn't stop then from doing that Harley Davidson table which also isn't in the top 300 so I guess anything is possible.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
There's just so many unlicensed tables I'd like to see. Catus Canyon, Whirlwind, Diner, Fish Tales, Red and Tedd, White Water, Xenon, Getaway, High Speed, F14 Tomcat, Roller Games, Attack from Mars, Swords of Fury.... that's just off the top of my head. Turtles 89 and Batman 89 not only are expensive licenses but just so, dated I'm sorry to say. Not interested.

Rollergames is licensed. It's based on a TV show.

Batman ranks 297th on pbdb. Turtles is 265 or so, and Robocop is 300th. Jurassic park is not listed. So I doubt any of these are a priority for farsight. Then again that didn't stop then from doing that Harley Davidson table which also isn't in the top 300 so I guess anything is possible.

Jurassic Park is number 20 on ipdb. The fact is that Farsight commented on TMNT and Robocop on facebook. Also, as I said, the Robocop comment was a definite maybe (doh. remembered it wrong). The only reason I don't have the facebook comments linked is becuase Facebook comments are a pain to find and link.

I went through the trouble of searching Facebook for the comment on Robocop. I didn't remember the comment correctly. It was in reply to Jedidiah Allen's post that said "robocop table". The comment from The Pinball Arcade in reply said "Absolutely. Hopefully". The TMNT was in reply to a comment from the same poster who said "another idea teenage muntant ninja turtles table". Farsight's reply was, "That would be a fun table to do. Good one!".
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New member
Sep 14, 2012
Batman ranks 297th on pbdb. Turtles is 265 or so, and Robocop is 300th. Jurassic park is not listed. So I doubt any of these are a priority for farsight. Then again that didn't stop then from doing that Harley Davidson table which also isn't in the top 300 so I guess anything is possible.
Jurassic Park is 20th with a 8.05 rating


New member
Jun 13, 2012
TMNT would be awesome it's a really fun table. I played a lot of Last Action Hero back in the day and I remember having some fun with it too. There's a lot of great Data East table. I don't get why everybody is jumping on the Data East hatred bandwagon.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I don't think we should place too much importance on FS's Facebook comments regarding future tables. They seem to be responding in a positive fashion to just about every table suggestion. I assumed they were being polite and trying to please the Facebook hoard. If you ask about Popeye Saves The Earth, they would say cool suggestion, Popeye is an American icon.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
My bad, where I was looking JP wasn't listed.

I don't hate Data East at all, I LOVE Lethal Weapon 3, but give me the game in Darth Von Doom's Avatar. ****ing Centaur! I mean what would you rather play, something like Centaur which is all sorts of badass or do you want to be singing the theme song for turtles saying cowabunga and all that stuff... and although you guys say it's good IPDB says otherwise. I mean look I grew up with the damn turtles but bleh, I've seen video of Turtles and it's very much dated, I'm sure it's an OK table but there are so many tables in the top 50 and top 100, why bother with the 80's children licensed crap I'm sorry...

Robocop is the coolest license in the discussion but how much you want to bet there is very little blood, drugs, sex, or social satire in the actual machine you know the stuff that actually makes Robocop amazing, and according to ipdb the table sucks anyway.

Jurrasic Park is high ranked and a timeless license, so I do retract on that one. And a game can have a dated and/or bad license and still be amazing. Just look at Johnny Mneumonic or The Shadow to name a few. But I'm firmly in the camp that, 1, prefers unlicensed tables (and there are still QUITE a few in the top 50 that we don't have and/or aren't currently being planned) and 2, if it's going to be a license I say keep it classy with licenses that are timeless (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Simpsons, AC/DC) or the table is so damn good it doesn't matter (Addams Family, Dr. Who).
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Centaur is indeed all sorts of badass. Maybe Farsght are worried that unleashing that much awesomeness could be dangerous. They should all sell their houses and wives and babies, buy Centaur and release it as soon as possible. Centaur demands it!


New member
Feb 26, 2012
I would enjoy playing Back to the Future or Rocky and Bullwinkle on the Pinball Arcade but I think they will do more unlicensed tables rather than spending money on every license in sight.


Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Don't get me wrong, I rather see a ton of tables than Robocop (which I don't really care to see) or TMNT (not bad, but not even in the top 100 of tables I want to see), but I was simply stating what I saw on Facebook. Also, I still like TMNT myself and find it to be more than "children's licensed crap" (original comics are very different, though. One ironic thing about the TMNT table is that it uses some things from the cartoon, but has more mature artwork like the comics). I also want to see stuff like Xenon, Eight Ball Deluxe and Centaur, as well as games like Royal Flush, Slick Chick, Queen of Hearts.
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Xenon, Centaur, Barracuda, Fathom ... give me something, anything from that early 80's Bally ... From a perspective of voice and music, Bally was ahead of Williams at this time, and the artwork from this era is so distinctly early 80's, I think it's absolutely fantastic and there hasn't been artwork on pinballs before or since then. These tables all have quite an atmosphere to them, dark and moody and spacy, kind of mystic quality to them.

The only thing that's going to be tricky is nailing the feel of the flippers on these. Bally flippers, before they got absorbed into Williams, have a very different feel than Williams flippers.

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