Battle of the Tables - Quarter Finals


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone. DON'T TOUCH THE DOOR!
Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars. OH BABY!!!
Centaur v Monster Bash. Lyman's Lament always adds to the fun of MB.
T2 v Theatre of Magic. Great game for PAPA-style tournaments.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Whirlwind - Never could get into Twilight Zone

Medieval Madness - This one was tough. Same designer and same quirkiness but on the whole something about Destroying the castles is way above destroying Saucers.

Monster Bash - Hands down the better table. Centaur is a great table IMO. I like the accuracy needed to start the multiballs.

Theater of Magic- My favorite of the starter table pack. T2 is good but something about Theater grabs me more than T2.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Medieval Madness - This one was tough. Same designer and same quirkiness but on the whole something about Destroying the castles is way above destroying Saucers.

But... those sound effects! The three-way target triple damage combo! Give me saucers any day :p


May 10, 2013
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone – Just started playing Whirlwind in earnest last week and bought Twilight Zone this weekend, because I wanted to be a responsible and informed voter. I focused on Twilight Zone for a day and I was totally won over by it. The short, free samples did nothing for me but getting a couple hours of play-time and reading over the instructions really impressed me. And, most importantly, I had fun playing. I also read Whirlwind's instructions for the first time. Wow. I’d just been flipping for the ramps and that little red tab up there. I had no idea the cellar shots were so important. It’s like a new game now and a lot more fun than it had been. I really like both of these and I would call this a tie, but Whirlwind stutters horribly on my iPad in portrait mode, which is my preference. Very choppy. It does fine in landscape mode. What’s up with that? TZ wins because of technical difficulties.

Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars – Two great tables. Similar tone, similar shots, similar greatness. How to decide? Hmm. When it comes to hopeless drain-inducing features, do I prefer dancing martians? Or pop-up trolls? Easy answer. Dancing martians. God! I hate those trolls.

Centaur v Monster Bash – A month ago this would not have even been close. Monster Bash has a world of charm and a nice variety of goals to go after. Lately, I’ve spent some quality time with Centaur and managed to get the full-load orbium attack going. Then I loaded it up again for another full-load orbium attack without draining. That was way fun and, after having internally dissed Centaur from the first download – I don’t care for the art or the theme – I have to admit I was wrong. Centaur is homely yet awesome. But, for the moment, I think six Universal Monsters still top one awkwardly drawn centaur.

T2 v Theatre of Magic – I played Theatre of Magic for a couple of hours on my Mac last week; it was included in the starter pack, but I haven’t played it much. I like the long loops and when I get some solid shots going it has a very smooth flow. Why haven’t I played this before? I’ve kind of hit a wall with T2. Not getting any better and I can’t hit that left ramp on purpose. The left ramp and spot under the skull is a perpetual bad bounce/dead spot for me -- the rest of the play field flows and loops gracefully -- but every shot toward that area results in straight down the middle, frenzied nudging caca. It’s a skill thing, I know, but I’m working with what I’ve got.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone : love the simplicity of WW. TZ I've just never warmed to it.

Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars : both great tables but I've put more time into MM than any other table. It's just simply awesome. Never get tired of it.

Centaur v Monster Bash : Centaur is a good table and I confess I've not played it as much as I should. But for me MB is a deeper table and more fun.

T2 v Theatre of Magic : difficult decision. Love the T2 theme but TOM is a classic I love to come back to. The magic wins through for me.


Nov 23, 2013
TZ hard choice though whirlwind is the only old table able to make the cut but not against Twilight Zone.
Medieval Madness of course
Monster Bash. Though I think it´s to simple and a one trick pony not much replayability.
Theatre of Magic. T2 is just two drainy and have no good theme to make up for it. Now put Theatre of Magic against Tales of Arabian nights :)


New member
Oct 6, 2012
WW (I hate TZ, and though WW is unplayable on iPad, I will take it over TZ)
MM (One of my top 3 tables with MB and Gorgar)
MB (an MB vs MM finals would be a tough match)
ToM (This would be my #4 table anyways)


New member
Mar 7, 2013
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone 10-37
Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars 28-19
Centaur v Monster Bash 12-35
T2 v Theatre of Magic 15-32

resounding wins all round there then, and we're down to just 4!


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Now all of my all-time favourites are out :( Not that I expected AFM to win over MM... but it should have!

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