Best tablet for TPA?


New member
Sep 4, 2014
Any thoughts from Android tablet players on the best tablet for TPA? I'm thinking of upgrading from my year-old Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 which can get a little flaky at times. I'm guessing there are better choices, for example ones with faster graphics processors, etc. All opinions welcome.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Shield Tablet LTE. Shield Tablet Controller. Import it if you have to. K1 processor like the Nexus 9, but far cheaper.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Nudging is not the best on an iPad. Not sure if Android is any better. But I would factor that in if you're only getting a tablet to play TPA.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
geta surface pro!

or blackberry!

no idea man but jared seems very imlressed with his shield

in time andorid will have zaccaria and apc aswell so no need to change market places lol

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Blackberry makes a tablet? Ever since I worked in wireless and blackberry came out with their two way pager I used them exclusively until the iPhone 3s or whatever the second generation came out. Then I was sold. Always used apple computers and laptops though. Except for that dam IBM think pad we were made to use.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Blackberry makes a tablet? Ever since I worked in wireless and blackberry came out with their two way pager I used them exclusively until the iPhone 3s or whatever the second generation came out. Then I was sold. Always used apple computers and laptops though. Except for that dam IBM think pad we were made to use.

I didn't even realize blackberry was still in business. They seem so 90s. ;)


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
new BB's are great. I like mine Z30. And that comes frome someone who didn't like the old ones that made BB famous, that OS was crap.

To OP, if TPA is all you need tablet for (like I did) than don't go for something with crazy spec. TPA is just way to old when it comes to new HW, I bought galaxy tab 3 8" and that is more than TPA needs. Actually it runs qiute OK on first galaxy tab 7 without samsung bloatware (CM11 and OC'ed to 1.2 GHz). Flaky at times is probably more related to TPA than your tablet.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Really. I would think going the future proofing way is the right directing. Of course I didn't realize TPA wouldn't perform better on a newer iPad/Tablet. It makes sense though since they try to keep it usable on as many older tabs/phones as possible


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Really. I would think going the future proofing way is the right directing. Of course I didn't realize TPA wouldn't perform better on a newer iPad/Tablet. It makes sense though since they try to keep it usable on as many older tabs/phones as possible
well, I would like if they decide to do andoroid version for 2014 HW, but that's not gonna happen so soon. If ever :( So, if TPA is your priority (like it is to me) than you don't need something uber turbo new simply because it will be obsolete before TPA ever reaches it's HW potential.
Sure, you will have future proof tablet. But not for TPA. First nexus 7 is still future proof when it comes to TPA. :(


Staff member
May 8, 2012
To OP, if TPA is all you need tablet for (like I did) than don't go for something with crazy spec. TPA is just way to old when it comes to new HW, I bought galaxy tab 3 8" and that is more than TPA needs. Actually it runs qiute OK on first galaxy tab 7 without samsung bloatware (CM11 and OC'ed to 1.2 GHz). Flaky at times is probably more related to TPA than your tablet.

So what happens when the OP wants to explore other games like Sky Force, Zen Pinball HD, or some other high-end games? That Gal Tab is no way near future proof.

A tablet is usually a big investment for folks. I recommend getting the best your money can buy.

You want one that gets regular OS updates (not Samsung). You want one that has a good SoC with excellent GPU resources (not Samsung). You want one that can be unlocked with nothing more than ADB (not Samsung with their Knox system / other arbitrary root prevention malarkey).

I would probably hesitate purchasing a Samsung even if it was a Nexus device, I'm that against them as free devices.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Samsung with qualcomm is OK, there's a lot of AOSP based ROMs. Samsung with exynos is a bad choice because then you are up to samsung. The same goes for intel and some other crap they put in those cheaper ones.

And as I said in my first post and repeated that in my second, if it is about TPA then looking for future proof tablet is a waste of money. Are you forgetting that I had the same question/dillema a few months back? Even someone from FS chimed in and sad that they have galaxy tab 3 8" and that TPA runs great. Sure, it runs great on your shield and on bunch of others but for me it would be like buying a sports car only for everyday drive of 7-8 km to local store for bread and stuff.
The point is that experience of TPA on 500$ tablet won't be much better than on 200$ one. If at all.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
iPad iPad iPad. It's worth the extra $$
It's not better and you lose all game licenses you paid for. TPA has slightly better graphics for iOS but the play is even harder.

It really depends on other uses of the tablet. I use the GPS of my tablet and wouldn't buy anything without. 8" or 10" are heavier in the hand or you might have to play on a desk (with a controller). Galaxy 4.7.0 would be the next step. OS upgrades usually only suck.


New member
May 18, 2012
Still playing TPA on an ancient iPad2, Apple has great value for money that will last for a good while. Get the latest iPad and you are fine for years. Graphics are slightly better compared to Android screenshots (and hell, I even rate it higher than the muddy/dark looking console version).


New member
Jun 4, 2012
the thing mkst people are forgetting is how much a person has incested in the app store or marketplace , hell itd cost me about the orice of a decent tablet to move to andorid lol.

as for apple being great for years...well with tpa this may be true, assuming ios uodates dont slow you to a crawl.

thing is with any well maintained system itll run no slower than the day you got it if you keep it properly.

obviousky thenguys requesting andorid so fanbois out but i get you in the iarse lol


New member
May 18, 2012
iOS8 is the worst that could have happened to my iPad (and so many with me). Performance of games and apps is not the problem, but using Safari is a complete drama. If I only had waited and stick to iOS7.. I hope Apple will come-up with an update.

If you go for Android, buy a brand that will not rape Android with their own themes (Samsung), but instead go for a pure Android install (nexus/moto) that will get new updates over the years.
So you're not stuck with jelly beans for the rest of your devices life.

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