Beta 0.025

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New member
Feb 28, 2012
I see a pattern when running the game 4 or 5 times, the next time I start a table I get a black screen crash. I haven't attempted to purchase any tables, only running trials, but I've been able to recreate this 3 times now on random tables. The text shows as such:

out of memory
FHe: Libraries,Source,Utility,MemManager.c

ESC - Force Quit
A - Continue
B - Disable this breakpoint
Y - Disable all breakpoints

Windows 8.1 (x64), 16GB Ram, GeForce GTX 670

Is this the crash others are talking about or something different? I haven't seen this before.

Here's the log.txt for it:

vs 0.025
Main Start
Init Steam
Init Achievements
Init Heap
Largest Memory Chunk = 670498816
Alloc Resource Heap
Init Resource Heap
Alloc Object Heap
Init Object Heap
Alloc Lua Heap
Init Lua Heap
Alloc STL Heap
Init STL Heap
Init Game
IMemoryInterface - Allocate
IMemoryInterface - InitHeap
DebugLine: FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\Source\Resource\Resource.c, LINE - 1565

DebugLine: FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\SourceCPP\PinballFramework\Williams\LegacyFunctions.cpp, LINE - 540

Set display mode
Resolution = 1920x1080
PixelFormat = 22
DepthFormat = 75
StencilBits = 8
Create DX9 Device
Create Device Success
Open File Resource\Debugging.rez :

Open File Resource\TestFX.rez :

Open File Resource\BallObject.rez :

Open File Resource\TableDefines.rez :

Open File Resource\GUIMenuDefines.rez :

Open File Resource\GUI.rez :

Open File Resource\Fonts.rez :

Open File Resource\GUI_ProVer.rez :

Open File Resource\GUI_DLC.rez :

Open File Resource\GUI_LCD.rez :

Open File Resource\GenericEnv.rez :

Open File Resource\TTotan.rez :

Open File Resource\TRipleys.rez :

Open File Resource\TTheaterOfMagic.rez :

Open File Resource\TBlackHole.Rez :

Open File Resource\TMediev.rez :

Open File Resource\TBridePB.rez :

Open File Resource\TCirqus.rez :

Open File Resource\TFnHouse.rez :

Open File Resource\TMonsterBash.rez :

Open File Resource\TGorgar.rez :

Open File Resource\TCreature.rez :

Open File Resource\TKnight.rez :

Open File Resource\TTaxi.rez :

Open File Resource\THarleyDavidson.rez :

Open File Resource\TGofers.rez :

Open File Resource\TElviraPartyMonsters.rez :

Open File Resource\TGenie.rez :

Open File Resource\TScaredStiff.rez :

Open File Resource\TVictory.rez :

Open File Resource\TTwilightZone.rez :

Open File Resource\TBigShot.rez :

Open File Resource\TStarTrekTNG.rez :

Open File Resource\TPinbot.rez :

Open File Resource\TAttackFromMars.rez :

Open File Resource\TWhirlWind.rez :

Open File Resource\TDrDude.rez :

Open File Resource\TFirepwr.rez :

Open File Resource\TCentralPark.rez :

Open File Resource\TCactusCanyon.rez :

Open File Resource\TShuttle.rez :

Open File Resource\TChampionPub.rez :

Open File Resource\TAceHigh.rez :

Open File Resource\TWhiteWater.rez :

Open File Resource\TCentaur.rez :

Open File Resource\TFlight2000.rez :

Open File Resource\TGoinNuts.rez :

Open File Resource\TTerminator2.rez :

Open File Resource\THauntedHouse.rez :

Open File Resource\TTeedOff.rez :

Open File Resource\TClass1812.rez :

Open File Resource\Objects.rez :

Open File Resource\Overlays.rez :

Open File Resource\Sound.rez :

Open File Resource\GenTableSounds.rez :

DebugLine: FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\SourceCPP\PinballFramework\Table\CPBTableLighting.cpp, LINE - 175

DebugLine: FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\SourceCPP\PinballFramework\Table\CPBTableLighting.cpp, LINE - 175

DebugLine: FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\SourceCPP\PinballFramework\Table\CPBTableLighting.cpp, LINE - 175

Error: out of memory, FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\Source\Utility\MemManager.c, LINE - 935

Hit a DebugLine!!!
Last edited:


New member
Aug 14, 2013
As was discussed long long ago FS will not ever be releasing TPA on any distributor that is not in any way copy-protected in some form. This discussion happened a lot and because of their licensing agreements Steam was the only route, IIRC.

this is likely why everything is run through the TPA application itself and not through Steam as a DLC add-on.

The reason I pointed that out is because maybe FS want to keep the whole community together across multiple DD stores that have their own DRM systems. If they only want to distribute through Steam, they should have very little need to use their own login except for tournaments (and even then, FS accounts can be linked to Steam accounts for this purpose anyway - see Gearbox SHiFT (as used in Borderlands 2) for an example of this).


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I get a fairly frequent crash when clicking on tables to purchase them. Here's my log.txt

Error: out of memory, FILE - ..\..\..\..\Libraries\Source\Utility\MemManager.c, LINE - 935


Sorry, just noticed this. Same error I get doing other functions.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Getting this error when using the configuration tool on Windows 8.1



Due to my SSD crashing, This version was a fresh install.

I got the same error when running the config tool the first time. When I ran TPA the second time, I chose to play the game and the config tool came up and it ran from there, the error hasn't happened since. Perhaps the config wasn't completely written at that point hence the initial error?

I'm also on 8.1

Yup, running the game first fixed it...


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Another thing I posted about previously was when opening the coin door in one table and then going to a different table, the coin door is open on that one as well. Was this by design?

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
So far so good. Not noticing any serious issues so far except for no achievements appearing to be added for Victory and Class of 1812 (or indeed anything post Table Pack 15).

There's no documented limitation for Steam achievements (unlike PSN or Xbox) so I believe that the usual achievements should be added with each new table pack on Steam.

As a side note, instead of using an ingame purchase like TF2, the purchases should be done using the regular Steam store DLC path (especially the season packs).

I can understand if this isn't possible due to the way the game is designed. It's just something to think about.

(Not a beta user)

I am surprised that is how it is being handled. Granted there would be a huge amount of DLC flooding the store with all of the different options to purchase the packs (regular, pro, regular season, pro season, etc...), but it could make gifting possible. Though TPA Steam is still going to be using its own user system, I guess that could be why they went with the way they did their table purchases. It would of been possible with the DLC method if it just used Steam's user system, but I am not sure if FS decided on this or that.

The reason the purchasing is done the way it is (using the micro transaction system and steam wallet) is because Valve said that is how we HAD to do it. They would not let us have multiple packs of DLC through the DLC purchasing. If we did that, then we would only have the main game, and the season packs. That's all they would allow.

I originally set it up to use DLC, but was then told I had to change it, which caused a big delay due to the fact I had to re-write all the purchasing.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
The reason the purchasing is done the way it is (using the micro transaction system and steam wallet) is because Valve said that is how we HAD to do it. They would not let us have multiple packs of DLC through the DLC purchasing. If we did that, then we would only have the main game, and the season packs. That's all they would allow.

I originally set it up to use DLC, but was then told I had to change it, which caused a big delay due to the fact I had to re-write all the purchasing.

This is kind of bogus of Valve considering railworks or whatever it is has hundreds of DLC on steam. I guess they may have changed their policies since then.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
This is kind of bogus of Valve considering railworks or whatever it is has hundreds of DLC on steam. I guess they may have changed their policies since then.

I think Valve need to change the DLC handling on Steam. For instance, you can't see which DLC you allready have purchased when you look at DLC available in the store, you get the information after you click on a specific DLC and check it.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
I think Valve need to change the DLC handling on Steam. For instance, you can't see which DLC you allready have purchased when you look at DLC available in the store, you get the information after you click on a specific DLC and check it.

you can also see all your purchased dlc for game in game properties, but i want to see it on store page too.


New member
Sep 13, 2013
(Not a beta user)

I am surprised that is how it is being handled. Granted there would be a huge amount of DLC flooding the store with all of the different options to purchase the packs (regular, pro, regular season, pro season, etc...), but it could make gifting possible. Though TPA Steam is still going to be using its own user system, I guess that could be why they went with the way they did their table purchases. It would of been possible with the DLC method if it just used Steam's user system, but I am not sure if FS decided on this or that.

I think FS is making a mistake here if the purchases are made through some other system than Steam. What is really good about Steam is the how easy it is to use. Buy the game, buy the DLCs, buy the add-ons and they are all instantly available and easy to see and access. People buy add-ons and DLCs to their games that they don't really need just because it is easy and fast.
Put it behind some other mechanism and you will lose a lot of potential sales because people don't bother (fans and so on will but average casual player might not) to access other market places or they don't want to access them.

You are releasing your game on a supreme platform on a supreme marketplace that has whole lot of cool features that have really impacted the digital distribution on PC. Use these services because that is a good business decision.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
you can also see all your purchased dlc for game in game properties, but i want to see it on store page too.

Yeah, I know you can see it in the game properties. But if I am missing some DLC it is a big hassle :)


New member
Aug 14, 2013
Yeaah I'm gonna have to call BS on this explanation as well unless this is now going F2P on Steam.

If it's not going F2P then I don't see why Valve wouldn't allow the DLC to be purchased through the normal store path. The number of games that have a buttload of DLC through the store surely flies in the face of what we're being told here.

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

[Mod Edit: Paladin wishes to clarify that he meant that Valve's explanation to Mike was BS, not that what Mike was saying was BS.]
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New member
Jun 10, 2013
Forgive me I'm not a beta tester, but I'm trying to understand what is being talked about with purchasing.

1. All purchases are done strictly within the TPA.
2. You can't purchase season packs/table packs directly with a credit/debit card.
3. You must add funds to your steam wallet in order to purchase season packs/table packs.
4. You must create/log in to a Farsight account to purchase season packs/table packs.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Yeaah I'm gonna have to call BS on this explanation as well unless this is now going F2P on Steam.

If it's not going F2P then I don't see why Valve wouldn't allow the DLC to be purchased through the normal store path. The number of games that have a buttload of DLC through the store surely flies in the face of what we're being told here.

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

I see games with over 20 DLCs from time to time, but do many have well over 100 or 200 DLC items like this would need soon enough? Each month adds 3 DLC packs, the table pack, the pro table pack and the pro upgrade, plus the season packs. That's almost 70 items for just the first two seasons, and maybe 150 if it stops at 4 seasons.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
The reason the purchasing is done the way it is (using the micro transaction system and steam wallet) is because Valve said that is how we HAD to do it. They would not let us have multiple packs of DLC through the DLC purchasing. If we did that, then we would only have the main game, and the season packs. That's all they would allow.

I originally set it up to use DLC, but was then told I had to change it, which caused a big delay due to the fact I had to re-write all the purchasing.

By the way, thanks for the reply back.

I guess with the DLC having its own 'DLC' (Regular -> Pro) may cause an issue with how other DLC may be flagged as already purchased or no need to be purchased. Example, if you bought Regular Pack 2 then the Pro Pack 2 would still be available to purchase for yourself. Meanwhile if you purchased Pro Pack 3 then Regular Pack 3 could be flagged as purchased not assuming how the limitations of Steam's store API work. Then there is the case of the season packs, and the pro season packs. I can see if there is a limitation on how it works, and understandable if that is the case.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Yeaah I'm gonna have to call BS on this explanation as well unless this is now going F2P on Steam.

If it's not going F2P then I don't see why Valve wouldn't allow the DLC to be purchased through the normal store path. The number of games that have a buttload of DLC through the store surely flies in the face of what we're being told here.

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

You can call BS all you want, but that is what I was told to do by Valve.

Regardless of how the transaction is processed, it'll take Steam Wallet funds, right?

Yes, it uses Steam Wallet.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Forgive me I'm not a beta tester, but I'm trying to understand what is being talked about with purchasing.

1. All purchases are done strictly within the TPA.
Yes, but they are done through Steam dialogs brought up from within TPA.

2. You can't purchase season packs/table packs directly with a credit/debit card.
You can use your credit card to add funds to steam wallet to make purchases.

3. You must add funds to your steam wallet in order to purchase season packs/table packs.
Yes, this is how the micro transaction process works within steam.

4. You must create/log in to a Farsight account to purchase season packs/table packs.
Not necessary. FarSight account is only needed for leaderboards and for kickstarter rewards.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Yeaah I'm gonna have to call BS on this explanation as well unless this is now going F2P on Steam.

You can call BS all you want, but that is what I was told to do by Valve.
A reminder to the membership that it is not acceptable to attack the developers (or anyone else, for that matter) on this forum. You can disagree with them and their decisions - many of us have in the past and undoubtedly we will continue to do so in the future - and you can constructively criticize their work, but their character and their motives are not permissible targets here.
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